Time to Pee needs time to update, {{contact.first_name}}. So we are undergoing maintenance...

Sep 04, 2021 10:01 pm

...that means that you won't be able to access your downloads for a few days, .

We apologise for the inconvenience we know that this will cause you all.

However, we are moving the site to a subdomain to give you a much better experience.


We are removing ALL THE ADS - so everything is cleaner.

We want it to be easier for you to access your exclusive content.

We have listened to you when you say you want a faster and easier to use site, with simpler payment options.

We hope to have things sorted by the end of Tuesday next week - so wish us luck.

In the meantime, if you do have any feedback, just hit reply and let us know. Don't forget all the other amazing freebies on the main site in the meantime, there is still plenty there for the kids to do, including loads of amazing Halloween resources, and our Summer Reading Challenge.

Take care,


Mum of two,

Winging it just like you
