Are you ready for a new year {{contact.first_name}}?

Hey Hey ,Well just a few short weeks left and we will see 2023 out of the door and into the history books. If I notice anything it is that time is getting faster. I swear I just had my birthday just a month ago and it's coming up soon. This is also t...

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Dec 11, 2023
What have you gotten yourself {{contact.first_name}}?

,It is the holiday season. the time is getting hectic As we run around buying last-minute gifts for our loved ones. Yet We often forget one person in our rush to show our love to those around us. We are busy handing out toys and bobbles to those arou...

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Dec 04, 2023
Who is {{contact.first_name}}?

Hey there again,First off I want to say it is good to see you again, I have a bit of a strange question I would like you to ponder. That question is who are you? If an alien was to land in your yard and ask who you are what would you tell them? The...

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Nov 20, 2023
The problem with acting while emotional

Hey So How do you tackle high emotional state? The answer is probably I don't know. I mean how are you supposed to know what to do when you are told some horrible news or something that has pissed you off?Well, This is true to a point but I also like...

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Nov 13, 2023
Ditching the Comfort zone

Hey ,Wow, interesting month last month. Things got rather busy in an unexpected way and I lost track of you. So just touching base and seeing what you are doing to get yourself out of your comfort zone?We find ourselves resting comfortably and not ev...

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Nov 08, 2023