Want to continue Sista's Let's Talk??

Mar 23, 2022 12:06 am


Hi Ladies!

I don't know about you, but these last two Saturdays have given me life! Being in the "virtual" room with all of you made my week thereafter so much better.

What I admired about everyone, is how quickly we all bonded. Know why? Because we all have a need for sisterhood. And, this group is a sisterhood on steroids as you all are powerhouses in your own right.

Having a career focused sisterhood to discuss the workplace, careers, wealth, etc. is even more powerful. We can leverage our power, our purpose, and our passion to fuel each other forward.

So, I ask will, do you want to continue?

If so, let's do it!

Here are my thoughts. I liked that some ladies chose to call in so they can be "mobile" while not missing the conversation.

I want to make that option available via Clubhouse. They are now on Android.

I created a private/invite only room just for us. Here the link to join.

It seems like 9am on Saturday mornings work best for everyone. For now, we can meet monthly to keep it manageable. And, if there is a special session we want to have based on our talks, we can schedule it as needed.

If monthly is a go, the next time we will meet is April 2nd. After that, we can begin a cadence of every 1st Saturday of the month so it's easy for everyone to remember.

This is still an invite only group. If you want to invite someone to join, they must register using this link. Once registered, I will send an invite for them to join. If they use a name other than their give name, have them email me the name they are using on Clubhouse.

I'm hoping you will join over at Clubhouse. Once everyone is there, I will schedule our next talk focused on a specific topic. Feel free to shoot some topics you would like to discuss.

In His Service,

Nickquolette Barrett

Executive Résumé Writer and Career Coach

P.S. Here's a video shared by two ladies in the group per our topic from the last two weeks. Enjoy!

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