Sista's Let's Talk


It's time to get real with ourselves and each other. We need to talk about our careers, in a serious way.

It's not enough to be happy to have a job. Not seeking, or even asking, for the salary we deserve impacts our wealth. Personal wealth and generational wealth.

The wealth gap is real. We have to be ready and willing to close it even if our families have made it "taboo" to share your salary with others.

Now, I agree we don't have to tell the world.

But, we do need to share with those we trust so we can keep pace with what we are worth in the job marketplace.

So, I'm sending this invitation to you to come share, listen, learn and/or encourage someone else. I am creating a private space/platform beginning today.

Everything shared will remain private - meaning no gossip allowed.

I ask that you leverage the information to improve your position in your career journey even if that means a promotion, an increase in salary, moving to another career field, or whatever. Share, listen, learn and/or encourage someone else. These conversations have been life changing and I'm so glad that we are talking....REAL TALK.

Our calls are real and open conversations that we need to have. Not only about money. But, life, relationships, mental health, and more. This series will last as long as the group wants it.

There's a hitch to this.

Only share this invitation with those you trust. This is not open to any and everyone. And, those who violate what we share, will get removed from the list. We need to be able to trust each other as sista's on a mission to thrive and not just survive. Consider this an elite group of mature women. No girls allowed.

Registering will ensure you receive information on our monthly sessions from 9am-10am CST (normally 1st or 2nd Saturdays). We keep it to 1 hour as a way to respect everyone's time.

A shout out and thanks goes out to Jessica Rich as she is the catalyst behind this. I am blessed to be the vehicle to deliver it.In His Service,

Nickquolette Barrett

Executive Career & Productivity Coach and Résumé Writer

CEO/Founder - iRock Development Solutions, LLC.

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