Hi!You're receiving this email because you bought my book, The Price Of Money, and registered your purchase on my websiteI said I'd send occasional extra material whenever I had something to say, and this is the first of those emails. You can unsubsc...
Welcome!This is an email I send to keep in touch with people and share a bit about what I'm doing and thinking about.This month, I'm:Negotiating a rent reductionAttempting to give up control of my work lifeThinking about my 50-year-old selfYou're rec...
Welcome!This is an email I send to keep in touch with people and share a bit about what I'm doing and thinking about.This month, I'm:Dissecting the high cost of financial adviceTravellingReading about concreteYou're receiving this monthly email becau...
Hi!The tough thing about writing a newsletter is you never really know who's reading it or what they're interested in.I spend a lot of time second-guessing what to include... which is the main reason the frequency is so sporadic.So I'm taking the rad...
Welcome!This month, I'm:Doing stuff! Lots of stuff!Putting podcasts to new usesHacking sleep You're receiving this monthly email because you signed up for it at robdix.com, or you opted in after reading my book The Price Of Money. If you don't enjoy...
Welcome!This month, I'm:Spreading money miseryTravelling on easy modeMeeting YouTube starsYou're receiving this monthly email because you signed up for it at robdix.com, or you opted in after reading my book The Price Of Money. If you don't enjoy it,...
Welcome!This month, I'm:Sharing my latest investmentSlagging off the 8th wonder of the worldAttempting to live foreverAnd more!You're receiving this monthly email because you signed up for it at robdix.com, or you opted in after reading my book The P...
Welcome!This month, I'm:Single-handedly fixing the tax systemExplaining Money Market FundsSharing how not to get richRecommending AI tools that are making me more productiveYou're receiving this monthly email because you signed up for it at robdix.co...
Hi!You're an amazing person. Do you know why? Because by pre-ordering my book The Price Of Money, you helped it become an instant Sunday Times Bestseller! Here's the list for proof:It's basically unheard of for a book to hit the bestseller list witho...
Hi!Woohoo – it's publication day!The Price Of Money has been published today on all formats – hardback, Kindle and (at last!) audio.I do, however, have an a highly annoying update.As it turns out, the publisher isn't able to provide anywhere near the...