New Podcast Playlist + The Fiona Project changes

Oct 25, 2022 9:31 am


🗒️ Podcast Episodes now available!

This week, we started rolling out new hand-picked podcast episodes with insights and experience from THRIVING survivors and professional trauma experts.

Our first featured episode explores how early patterns of abuse affect survivors throughout their lives, and how podcast guest, Kimberly McFerron, finally turned that paradigm around and began healing.

Listen Now


Survivors Speak art blog

This month's featured artist:

🗒️ "Be the Light" by Gloryfied



Be your child’s light, don’t let them grow up in darkness... Click here to read more

The Fiona Project - Update

Six years ago, The Fiona Project started with the release of a music video, then quickly expanded into the idea of using concerts to shine a light on child sexual abuse.

While we had some initial success with artists in the US – in New York, California, Kansas, and Georgia – and also in Austria, we quickly found that continually searching for new partners to hold events was unsustainable.

Many artists were not comfortable using their platform to discuss this sensitive topic or didn't have gigs where mentioning CSA was possible. Others either had limited availability, or needed extensive support to get their events off the ground.

Sadly, our dream of mass exposure for CSA awareness through music partners fizzled. However, as one door closed, another opened.

In 2018, we launched, a resource site dedicated to helping survivors THRIVE after abuse. Since then, we regularly receive book recommendations to add to our bookstore, emails requesting assistance, and submissions for our Survivors Speak arts blog. Likewise, our private CSA Survivors THRIVE! Facebook Support Group continues to grow, as well.

So, we have shifted our focus accordingly.

1) We are simplifying our participation in Fiona Project partner concerts

While Fiona Project concerts are still a wonderful opportunity for educating the public about CSA in an uplifting and friendly way, we have decided to reduce support for our partner events to self-service online resources and event-sharing only.

Quick guides for speaking points are still available, and artists can still tag us in CSA-related Facebook posts so that we can share their posts on our Facebook page as appropriate. We can even mail quarter page prevention tips handouts on request.

We are just no longer recruiting musicians/hosts or planning events.

2) We are expanding our most popular services

HelpforSurvivors and its offerings will continue to grow, including more hand-picked articles, podcast episodes, events, books and other resources for the community, and more active management of our Survivors THRIVE! Support Group. *Additional content suggestions and articles are welcome.

The Survivors Speak arts blog is still a work in progress. But please know that we are working on a better (more timely) way to post the art, music, photography, books, videos, and other original creative works that our CSA survivors submit to us for publishing.

Right now, we still have a backlog of submissions to release, but we will be looking to get those scheduled over the coming weeks. *New submissions are welcome.

That's it for now. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions (or want to volunteer to help 😉).

Thank you for your patience as we work to find a sustainable model for maintaining these important resources.

~Asha Lightbearer
