Thank You & Free Gift

Sep 06, 2023 8:09 pm


Your comments and questions provided invaluable insight and with many overlapping themes, questions and wishes.

It's clear that we're ready to shift from theory to direct, tangible experience, to a more embodied, empowered state of being that can guide and direct us during these turbulent times.


Here's a few of the concepts/questions in the “absolutely positively must be included in the course” responses I received:

  • How can I begin to really embody who I am spiritually?
  • What is the trade-off in making this shift, from 3D to 5D consciousness?
  • How does awareness impact our day-to-day experience?
  • Is the ego lost forever in this higher state of consciousness?
  • What are some simple techniques to help letting go of negative emotions?
  • Is there a simple approach, or formula to bringing balance into our lives, in the moment?
  • Could you explain meditation and how we can shift into higher states easily?
  • What is the purpose in human suffering?
  • How do I truly surrender and "let go"? What does that feel like?
  • How can I connect more deeply to my intuition, clairvoyance, clairsentience and other gifts?

Good news! I'm going to cover all these in the course!



One topic that came up in several responses had to do with the belief that lasting change seems insurmountable-we will shed light on this topic, making you aware that change is the “isness” of life.

How does the average day differ from someone operating through 3D, 4D, and 5D consciousness?

I decided not to wait several weeks until the course drops. So, I gathered some of these comments and questions and put together two videos addressing some of these topics.


Click the video links below to check it out!


Mentoring Video 1: Is lasting transformation actually possible in our modern world? - CLICK HERE


Mentoring Video 2: What is the difference between 3D, 4D, & 5D?



I hope you enjoy these clips… here's to a more empowered approach to living!


PS…missed the previous email? Read it HERE and feel free to reply!
