Your Feedback is Needed

Sep 04, 2023 5:54 pm


If you have been following our podcast over the past several years or have ever seen me clinically then you will know that I often speak about the importance of consciousness, frequency, spirituality, working with our thoughts and emotions and the different bodies of health that extend from the physical to the spiritual.

I have found over the past 25 years that much of the suffering we endure in our lives can be greatly mitigated through grounded and practical spirituality.

The key is to actually find and then implement true spiritual practices and perspectives in a way that is going to make tangible differences in your life.

I am genuinely honoured to introduce you to author and spiritual teacher, Jiulio Consiglio as the first faculty member of our newest platform, Inspire Life Multiversity.

We have benefited greatly through his timeless wisdom and higher perspectives when it comes to making sense of the everyday challenges and tribulations of life in this reality.

Jiulio is putting together the final pieces of his much anticipated course on practical spirituality. We are requesting that you provide him with a little bit of feedback so he can put the finishing touches on what is sure to be a mind expanding experience for you.


Hi friends it's Jiulio Consiglio here. I am excited to be a faculty member on the educational platform, Inspire Life Multiversity under the umbrella of Inspire Health Podcast.

I'm hoping you can take a moment to assist me with a simple request.

As far back as I can remember,

I always felt that something, some “missing piece” was missing from my life, from my awareness.

Feeling drawn to spiritual knowledge, I read my first spiritual book at age 19.

The book had some great insights, but there wasn’t enough desire within me to implement what I had read or put the information into practice, to embody what I theoretically understood.

In other words, I didn’t understand that


"Our outer world mirrors our inner."

I had no understanding that one’s thoughts, words, actions - that our vibrational frequency in fact, calls forth our experiences and manifests our reality.

And because of that confusion - the doubts, uncertainties, and worry that resulted from the experience of being separate from Source, from pure consciousness, stillness, I called forth the necessary experiences to shake me, wake me up from my slumber, the dreaming state of thought - of fear.

You see,

I wasn’t aware back then that there was a state of being, that is transcendent of the thinking mind, and all of its limitations.

And without that awareness of inner stillness - the state of oneness and clarity -it didn’t exist for me; out of sight, out of mind.

But here’s the thing! In order for you to know and experience something fully, you have to first experience its supposed opposite. In other words, I couldn’t know and appreciate or recognize what inner stillness truly is until I experienced the fear, worry, and feeling of separation provided by the ego, the thinking mind, first.

Here’s what I’m getting at:

Until I came into the awareness and direct experience of inner stillness, I experienced virtually everything that was undesired: fear, unhappiness, worry, unhealthy relationships, lack, and even health challenges.


At the time of those adversities, I failed to see the gifts, and potentials in them - understandably, when we’re in the midst of a storm, it’s hard to see its purpose.

Looking back, I can now see the perfection in every challenge I’ve ever faced. Because over time, the heaviness and burden of carrying the past, and projecting it into the future became too much - turning my pain into a catalyst for a spontaneous awakening in the fall of 2005.

After having had my fill of doubt, uncertainty, and worry over circumstances, things that were beyond my control, I made a shift in consciousness, and it was the most empowering moment of my life. I became aware of inner stillness-and began to embody it in mind, body and spirit. And because of that shift, I experienced inner healing, on all three levels.

Soon after my shift in consciousness I held my first speaking engagement on consciousness and enlightenment. And before the end of the year, wrote my first spiritual book. Since that time, I have gone on to help thousands of people make massive shifts in their lives by bringing their awareness to inner stillness and all of the potential within it.


The foundations to my much anticipated upcoming course are laid, but I am adding final components. It’s filled with:

  • Spiritual insights into our human conditioning
  • Who we are beyond thought
  • The nature of reality
  • And tons of tools to implement and embody our spiritual nature.

My desire is to offer the most powerful, and transformative program, available.

And so, my question to you today is:

What question or spiritual topic during the course of the program would assist you in becoming the next grandest version of yourself, in shifting into your highest timeline?

Just click reply and let me know!

A thousand blessings,


avatar Julie
I am really excited about what you will be offering at the multiversity! This is awesome! I am personally very interested in cultivating stillness and experiencing more of my multidimensionality! Earthing and grounding is a topic I am very interested and how we can harmonize more with Mother Nature! Blessings! Julie Little