Stop Solving Every Problem: Empower Your Team!

Jul 04, 2024 11:15 am

If you keep solving all the problems in your business, all the problems in your business will keep finding their way to you.

You will work until you die.

You can kiss your freedom goodbye.

Every business owner fears letting their team make decisions and solve problems.

Their number 1 concern is financial loss.

So let me ask you…

Have you ever made a mistake?

Have you ever lost money in business and life?

Have you ever made the wrong decision? 

Or solved a problem incorrectly?

Chances are you have.

So why won’t you allow your team members the same freedom?

Not to lose money but to take more responsibility.

Responsibility comes from BEing responsible for something.

If you don’t give your team the chance for BEing responsible for things then you will be responsible for everything.

And you will keep complaining they are not taking responsibility.

It is a big word: Responsibility. 

Let it sink in.

Stop throwing it around casually and take responsibility for creating decision makers and problem solvers on your team.

Yes, it is scary.

Yes, some mistakes will be made.

But it will be worth it.

Because you will create a team that you can depend on.

You will have a team that will help you run and grow the business instead of you being the only one responsible for everything.

So the next time some comes running to you for an approval, or decision or solving a problem do one of these instead:

- Ask them what would be their decision? 

- Ask them for suggestions on how to solve the problem?

- Ask them if they are convinced this is the best solution?

- Ask them if there is any financial, legal, regulatory, etc. risk for the company?

- Ask them if this is the best way forward for the business?

- Ask them if this is the best decision for your customers?

Stop telling them what to do and feeling like the hero of the day. 

Let them be the champion. 

Let them take responsibility.

Let them shine.

Create future leaders on your team.

That’s what leadership is about. 

That is your ultimate responsibility.
