How to upskill - five ways to learn more to earn more money
Oct 12, 2024 3:30 pm
Research says that professionals have until 2023 to shift their work life to keep up with pandemic changes to the economy. Dr. Carolyn Haye shares how a free individual development plan can open the door to different ways to plan your pandemic economy recovery. As the market evolves, we’re seeing five distinct categories—on-ramps, upskilling, reskilling, out skilling, and education as a benefit—that each have their own particular business proposition.
There is a free individual development plan at However, if you want to do one manually, there are a few points to be aware of.
Creating your Individual Development Plan is not something you should do alone. In fact, it’s best to complete at the same time as your annual performance management review with the help of your manager. The goal is to take an honest evaluation of your work, which is best done with an objective viewpoint.
At its core, your plan should be a simple one- to two-page document that sums up your current career and your career goals. The exact outline can be different for everyone, but each plan should contain a few key elements:
A list of your critical skills, knowledge, and abilities.
A list of your key weaknesses/development needs.
A list of your short- and long-term goals.
An outline of your developmental objectives, what you need to do to reach your goals.
A list of the strategies you will use to achieve your objectives.
In this video training, we deep dive into the way to handle your career evolution effectively.
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