April 2022 SOUL Purpose Update

Apr 08, 2022 1:35 am


Welcome to April - In like a lamb and roaring like a lion. April 12th and Easter symbolize the Resurrection of Jesus! Dying of the old, healing, dropping weights, clutter, relationships, and finding the NEW You?


April's Energy Update is here and It's all about ACTION, read more here https://vocal.media/motivation/april-2022-energy-updateimage


Yes, that's me, exhausted, exhilarated, and grateful to be in Machu Picchu. I wanted to experience what the ancestors did, the classic Inca Trail, 4 days, almost 100,000 steps I returned to a place I have been before. I spread my mom's ashes, I cried, I died of the old me, the snake spirit, hummingbird, condor, and Puma. I performed a Coca ceremony to ask the Pachamama and ancestors permission to be here. Listen to the rest of the story...


I'm keeping things simple, if you love listening to podcasts and audio (if you enjoy it, please share, rate & review here

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Maybe you LOVE Community? I have 2 Communities, one is a free Meetup and the other is a Private Group that has exclusive benefits here Patreon

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If you prefer learning on your own, take one of my mini-courses

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Maybe you need clarity in your life, stuck, lost, and ready to level up!

Let's Cocreate!

Have you read my new book yet "Intuition Saved My Life" - I'm gifting away the 1st chapter here! Buy it here https://tinyurl.com/2p22hk4m

My Book - Intuition Saved My Life

I'm looking to launch a Group program of 6 months and 1 Year. Where we will co-create together your Souls Purpose in a group setting of 10, every 2 weeks. Have 1 on 1 private 2-hour monthly session, access to me via Whatsapp / Messenger & Email. Private Patreon community - I will have Special guests join us once a month to accelerate your Soul Journeying process. Plus access to the Soul Academy (online programs, videos, and extras to assist you) 

This is for the Souls who are looking to heal, lead, and create. Whether you are here to start a business, lead a team, or open up to your inherent intuitive self. This will be a launching pad, a catalyst for you to become a coach/guide/mentor/healer yourself and for others. I envision a Spiritual Healing Center for all and I'm looking to usher in the next group of leaders, way-showers, and changemakers.

As there is only 1 of me - Naturally, I'm moving away from 1 on 1 Mentorship to a group experience, Co-creating a sacred retreat in Peru in October 2022! 

I want to learn more!



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