What's your inner narrative ?

Dec 14, 2022 9:51 am

Many moons ago, if I ever had a bad day at work, which was quite common in my life by the way.

I would stay stuck in a conversation with myself, ruminating, and overthinking about the person, problem, and event for hours, even long after it was closed.

I never realized at that time, that my constant inner talk was a direct feed to my subconscious mind, creating new thoughts and when I repeated these thoughts, they were gradually turning into beliefs (limiting beliefs) of no use.

Many years later, when I would fail to get through interviews despite the best of my credentials, experience, and qualifications to merit

I would wonder -What's wrong?

It was only when I understood my inner narrative, mostly filled with negative talks, realized, how at a subconscious level, it was coming through in my behavior, even in my body language which lacked certainty and conviction.

Mehnaz Amjad may have a decade of rich experience with a lot of accolades to her credit, but this was on paper (Resume) the person Mehnaz, who gave those interviews was hijacked by her subconscious mind, lacking confidence and second-guessing her own potential and self-worth.

Result - Stuck and caught up in a loop of endless worry, feeling overwhelmed and depleted! & all of it manifesting through my self-defeating behaviors.

Remember this

What we tell others may or may not influence others, but what we tell ourselves, deeply impact us!

So, if you just like me, find that your mind is in need of some rewriting

Here's a podcast I created, with three wonderful techniques that could help you rewrite your inner narrative.

You can listen to it here

Before you leave, one quick question, what would you like to learn if I were to create a course for you?

Talk soon,

Mehnaz Amjad

PS: Please write me back, I love hearing from you!
