The many way of learning to Let go

Jan 04, 2023 11:15 am

Happy New 2023,

As we all embark on another calendar year, 2022 became a past year, and

2023 is the present day today.

But there are certain matters in life, regardless of time, that keep us stuck,

we stay fixated, and caught up in the web, which seems way stronger than the flow of time.

For such scenarios, and issues here's a mini course I've designed to help those who want to learn to let go!

It's a five-day mini-email course, that you can learn at your own pace

To enroll

Click Here!

In addition to that, if you want to understand the concept of "Let Go"

Click Here!


You may want to Learn it through Simon Reeves's story of Learning to Let go.

And, if you prefer to read, then my blog post on What is it to let go is something you may want to read.

As Rumi says ...

"Life is a balance of holding on and letting go "
