Neeraja and her frustrations

Apr 15, 2021 2:45 pm

Neeraja, constantly worried for her ailing father , who was old ,weak and by nature a simpleton.

Her best friend's father was an army general, smart, witty and physically very fit .Neeraja always sought a strong father figure ,and was met with disappointment when she dealt with her father and his many weaknesses ,her constant comparison of her own expectations and reality ,created a deep cognitive dissonance for her .

After few years ,the same concern turned into irritation and Neeraja found herself stuck in her ever demanding career and tending to aged parents.

With the Pandemic ,she found herself getting lonelier and deeply stressed out with uncertainties of Life.

She felt overwhelmed , and thought she had a mental illness, which was not true!

When we both spoke for the first time , in an hour call, she underwent a catharsis , sharing and experiencing myriad of emotions .

Through my Coaching , Neeraja understood the expectations she held, the influences she had since childhood which built her core belief's and the incorrect approach towards her own self , she has been practicing for a very long time .

If you find yourself ,very alone ,lonely , do not repressed your emotions and hurt yourself, instead get coached and create your own world of happiness and peace.

For details ,on getting coached ,

Write to me at
