This is embarrassing . . .
Sep 03, 2024 3:46 am
Once upon a time, I used to use Mailchimp for my blog's emailing service. I don't remember what exactly prompted the change, but over a year ago, I switched to Sender, then several months (a year?) ago I switched to SendFox. (I think I'm here to stay.) Well, a few days ago, I was digging through things on the backend of my website and realized I still had connections on my website to Mailchimp.
You see, I'd kept Mailchimp because I'm grandfathered into a free plan that includes a welcome email. I didn't want to close my Mailchimp account in case I wanted to go back to them. But, when I went to check out my account on Mailchimp, I discovered that I had 15 contacts there! Yikes! You're one of them.
I have no way of knowing when you signed up for my email list, but I am so very sorry for neglecting you. That was entirely unintentional. I really thought I'd gotten all those old sign-up forms off my website. (If you did sign up in the last ~6 months, I would really appreciate it if you let me know where you signed up, if you remember. Or just let me know that you signed up recently. I'd like to know if I need to go digging more.)
So, who am I, that can forget about 15 subscribers for an embarrassingly long time? My name is Ashley Wright, and my blog is Gypsy Gameschooler. I write reviews for board, card, and dice games, plus other reviews and articles about homeschooling. I'm secular, inclusive, and embrace child-led learning. My newsletters contain notifications of new blog posts, play-through videos, products, some bits about my family (my kids are 9 and 10 now, and we've been homeschooling forever), some homeschooling tips and tricks, and sometimes coupons and freebies for my shop. Oh, and occasionally, information about someone else's offerings that I think you might enjoy.
If this sounds like something that might be helpful, stick around and you'll be receiving my regular newsletter tomorrow. (By the way, I try to only send out emails once a month, so you won't be inundated with emails.) If you signed up for this list ages ago and it's no longer applicable to you, or if for any other reason you don't want to get any more emails from me, please unsubscribe, no hard feelings. There should always be a link at the bottom of every email.
Again, I'm super sorry about this. Hopefully I'll see you around, but if not, I completely understand.
Happy Gaming!
Gypsy Gameschooler