March Newsletter
Mar 01, 2025 6:01 pm
Hi ,
Is it spring yet where you are? My family is still south for the winter, but we'll start our trek north for summer soon. What are some of your family's spring rituals? Do you do spring cleaning? Plant a garden? Do you have chickens and are eagerly awaiting the first eggs of the year?
Here's what's new on Gypsy Gameschooler:
BetaBotz is one of my son's many favorite games. If you have a robot-lover in your family, you should definitely check this game out. (Bonus: It's filled with math!)
Finders Seekers Escape Rooms are one of many subscription boxes my family has tried over the years. Here's the good and bad about Finders Seekers.
Don't let the title fool you; the Dangerous Book for Boys Game isn't just for boys. Girls can and should play, too; it's a great outdoor survival game for everyone!
Not Parent Approved is a kid-approved game similar to Apples to Apples or Cards Against Humanity. There's lots of gross kid humor, but nothing inappropriate.
Coming up this month, we have reviews on 195 Box, Destination: Panama City, Homeschool Subscriptions, Beep! Beep!, and Astro Trash. Keep your eyes open to catch them!
On the YouTube channel, we have new play-throughs of Compose Yourself, Hnefatafl, Dominotes, and Go Composer. This month, look for play-throughs of Measure Up!, Magnetic, Sleeping Queens, and a 195 Box unboxing.
I am also hard at work on a new unit study. Fingers crossed I can get it done by the end of the month! It will be all about Western music (music from Europe and North America; I have no expertise in Asian, African, South American, or indigenous music), but I will include some ways to explore other music, too. Watch for a coupon code when it is released!
How is your late winter/early spring going? Are you getting in some fun gameplay with your kids? My son has been all about Pokemon lately, while I've totally been bitten by the escape room bug. What are your kids' current favorites? If you need help figuring out the educational content of a game, please reply and I'll be happy to help! Until next time,
Happy Gaming!
P.S. Thanks for reading to the bottom! I think the world needs more logic in it right now, so if you use the code MARCHFREE, you can get my Logic Unit Study for free! But hurry, it's only good for a few days. Enjoy!