Let's Teach Spring Magazine

Mar 15, 2024 5:00 pm

Hi !

My kids are wild. Like, really wild. Their interests change faster than I can blink, and I never know if they'll actually do something they say they want to. Can anyone else relate? That's why I love free resources. I can provide my kids with lots of different opportunities without breaking the bank.

I'm sure you love free resources and new ideas as much as I do! That's why I'm so excited to share the spring edition of Let's Teach with you. It's completely free, and chock-full of new resources and freebies.

I can't wait for you to read my article on Mancala! I cover how to make the game, how to play it, and why you should play it with your kids. I love how I ended up painting my DIY'd game so much that it's still sitting on our windowsill!

I hope you'll check out the magazine, find a new resource to enjoy, and learn something new! Until next time,

Happy Gaming!


Gypsy Gameschooler
