My kids love learning!

Mar 07, 2024 5:00 pm

Hi ,

Do you ever have those days where everything is going wrong? Your kids aren't listening, the house is a mess, you're yelling, nothing is getting done, who knows if your kids have learned anything all week, and you're not sure when your last shower was?

I hate those days. I really, really do. They make me feel like such a failure. But I'm not. I'm human. And this life thing (let's be honest, it's not just homeschooling or working or staying at home; it's life) is hard sometimes.

It took me a while, but I finally figured out what I needed to do on those days. I send my kids outside to play, take a breath and a shower, then clean my house. (This is what I need to do for my own sanity; your need may be different.)

Then, later that day or even the next day, I reconnect with my kids over something we all enjoy. Board games, documentaries, or reading good books are things my whole family enjoys. They refill our cups and bring us closer together. And guess what? They're all things that my kids learn from!

Sure, we still have less-than-great days, but we have more good days than bad now. You can make this happen, too, but it's so much easier to do with support and guidance.

That's exactly why I helped put together the (paid link, at no cost to you) Homeschool Mom Summit: Spring Collection for you.

Over 3 days we've got 40 speakers ready to guide homeschool moms like you, , through homeschool planning, offering tried-and-true AND SOME BRAND NEW creative ways to plan your homeschool. That means you will know EXACTLY what to do in your homeschool as you go about your homeschool planning and avoid any of those “I wish this were better” moments! 

We have summit workshops in 3 categories: 

  • Homeschool Planning
  • Mama Self-Care & Faith
  • Curriculum & Resources

A few of the 50 workshops I know YOU will love, , are:

  • How To Create an Intentional Schedule (And ACTUALLY Stick To It!) by Kelsey Sorenson (Wife Teacher Mommy)
  • A New Way to Schedule: Planning Your Homeschool Day with Young Children by Laura McKinney Adams
  • How to STOP Worrying If Your Child Is Falling Behind by Amanda Schenkenberger (Homeschool Family Legacy)
  • Planning A Curriculum Your Kids Love by Carmen Smith (The Magic Art of Homeschooling)
  • Faithful Flexibility: Navigating the Chaos with God on Your Mind by Aaliyah Burgess (The Organized Creator)
  • Where’s Mom? Rediscover YOU When You’re Buried by Homeschool, Hobbies, and Hectic Schedules by Holly Doherty (Rediscover Radiance)
  • Infuse Your Homeschool With Fun By Gameschooling! by yours truly :)
  • Unlock the Power of Games: Make Learning Enjoyable by Debra Arthbuthnot (Homeschool Complete)
  • Supercharge Your Skills to Raise Money-Smart Kids by Linda Simpson (Anchord Money)
  • Planning & Organizing Nature-Focused Field Trips by Kelly Dowd & Sue Wenger (The Field Trip Academy)

There are so many more amazing homeschool planning, mama self-care, faith, and curriculum/resources workshops to help you plan your homeschool and avoid burnout and overwhelm. Plus, as you can see, those were just a few of the homeschool planning, self-care, faith, and curriculum/resources workshops we have in store for you! 

(paid link, at no cost to you) Click here to get all the details and get your FREE online summit ticket!

Bonus Workshops

Something else worth mentioning are all the BONUS Live Workshops we will have in our off-Facebook Summit community! The speakers didn’t want to stop at just one or two workshops for you … they wanted to keep going with the goods!

That’s why not only will you get access to all these 50 workshops FOR FREE but you’ll also gain exclusive access to all the Bonus Live workshops that will happen throughout the 3 summit days! 

There is SO MUCH MORE I want to share about it, all the awesome perks and freebies that are in store for you, that you don’t want to miss. But this email would be looooooong and I don’t know about you but I have to figure out how to grow an extra pair of arms to juggle dinner, laundry, and a math lesson all at the same time. Maybe I'll discover the secret in a "Mom Multitasking" workshop at the summit. Now there’s a thought!

I’ll catch you there—unless I finally invent that cloning machine I've been daydreaming about. Then one of me will be there, and the other will be tackling Mount Laundrymore! 😅

Can't wait to see you there!


Gypsy Gameschooler

PS: Once you register, you’ll have a chance to upgrade to lifetime access. And if you do, as an added bonus, you get Gameschooling on a Budget from me on the house!

