🦉 WoW #123 - Space to Grow 🪴🦉

Jun 01, 2022 11:22 pm

Happy Wednesday, Wise Owl Nation!

I forgot to click send on this like seven hours ago :).

Sorry for the delayed WoW, y'all!

It's June all of a sudden!

The end of this new month marks the middle point of the year, and I have feelings about this.

The month of May was a bit of a doozy over here in Austin, Tx.

Some events transpired that could be considered life-changing.

For the first time in half a decade I have all the space to grow I could ever ask for, and then some. Yet at present I am

I'm still nowhere near close to getting used to it, and far far away from being able to make the most of it, but what I am reminded of every day is the importance of always having space to grow.

So today I will be writing a bit about this idea of always giving yourself space to grow because it's one that I think gets overlooked too often.

Let's get into it.

You can find all past issues (including this one) here. 


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🦉🪴 Wise Owl Thought(s) of The Week: Don't let life bind you

I am going to compare you (and me) to a potted plant today.

This metaphor has been percolating in my head for days now and now I get to share it with you!

You, my friend, are a plant.

Not just any plant, you're an awesome plant, a plant that has the potential to never stop growing.

Modern-day life, responsibilities, obligations, and other stuff are pots.

Pots help plants grow by creating a controlled environment that removes many of the risks that exist in nature.

The problem with pots is that they are fixed in size. A pot can't ever grow or get bigger. But a plant will always try to spread its roots deep and wide so it can continue to grow.

If you aren't careful you will create a situation in which you get very careful in your safe little pot and become rootbound. Rootbound is a phenomenon where a plant's roots get all tangled and jumbled because they hit the limit of the space they were given to grow.

Feel free to google rootbound plants for some sad root visuals.

Anyway, bringing this back to real life, it is really important for us as people to realize when we have reached the limit that our current life, lifestyle, and environment can provide us.

I am notoriously bad at this and have found myself many times in various states of being rootbound. The worst part? When you finally wake up and break out of your little plant pot prison only to spend the next few months untangling all the messed-up metaphorical roots!

That is what is currently going on in my world. I now have room to grow but first I need to untangle and fix my foundation.

This newsletter is all about me sharing what I learn with all of you so that you might learn from my many mistakes.

Check your life.

Check the environment you've become accustomed to.

Do you still have room to grow?

Are you being stifled by a life that is too small for the current you?

Maybe it's time for a big change.

We all need room to grow.

Have a great week!

This concludes our issue this week, I hope it gave you some perspective or injected a little motivation into your life!

If it helped, let me know! I read every newsletter response I receive, and I absolutely love hearing from all of you. This newsletter is for you, so I need your help to make it as great as possible.

If you'd like to show me some love for writing all this free stuff, you can always buy me a coffee.

More Resources

I will be adding to this section over time as we find resources that will help you all.

Crypto Resources

The Bankless Podcast: This is a link to the bankless podcast on Spotify. Start from the very beginning and learn why I am so positive about the power of Crypto and Ethereum in particular. You can find the podcast easily on the internet, but I am linking to episode 1 on Spotify for your convenience.

Buy your first ETH or BTC:

  • On Coinbase - this is the easiest starting place for the newest beginners
  • On Gemini - Another great option founded by the Winklevoss brothers. They are based out of New York.
  • On Kraken - Kraken has a bit of a harder user interface, but they already have ETH staking enabled with the push of a single button.

Earn interest on your crypto

  • BlockFi - Currently, you can earn 4% interest on BTC, 5% interest on ETH, and a whopping 8.5% on stable coins like USDC. Use the referral code b09f24fd to support the newsletter. BlockFi is currently not accepting new customers from the USA for its Crypto Savings Account. Non-US customers are still welcome.

Other tools:

  • Argent Wallet - This is the best mobile wallet for Ethereum, Defi, and all things on the Ethereum network, including staking. They even have plans to implement Layer 2 to remove network fees.
  • Ethhub - this is a weekly newsletter that lists out all the interesting news, articles, and tweets that have happened in Crypto that week. It's free and awesome.
  • Ethdashboard - A simple dashboard to look at various metrics in the ethereum space. I mainly use this as a quick tool to check ETH gas fees.
  • Cointracker - this is one of the better tools for tracking all of your various crypto across all of the various wallets, exchanges, etc. You can also use them to do your crypto taxes each year.
  • Metamask - this is a crypto wallet that you can access from your browser and allows you to easily interact with blockchain apps online.