Wise Owl Wednesdays #19 - Freedom

Jun 03, 2020 5:52 pm

Happy Wednesday, Wise Owl Nation.

It's been one hell of a week.

Here in the US, on May 25th, a police officer abused their power over life and death and stole a man's life. In broad daylight, in front of dozens of witnesses, and apparently without fear of repercussions.

An Officer of the Peace made a decision to showcase his authority by kneeling on the neck of a man already restrained in handcuffs. By this point you know how the people of the United States have responded. There are protests in most major cities. Some protests have turned violent, but many are staying peaceful.

So I thought to myself, how can I use this newsletter to promote ways we as individuals can create more freedom for ourselves and our loved ones.

Freedom is the theme of this week's issue. I talk about how you can become more free through wisdom, health, and crypto wealth.

I hope it helps.

You can find all past issues (including this one) here.


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Quote of the week:


Before we can master our surroundings we must first master ourselves, and before we can master ourselves we must come to terms with what we can and cannot control.

This is the most valuable principle I've ever taken away from stoic philosophy. 90% of the shit that is going on is out of your control. The more you focus on it, the less you can focus on what you can control.

What you can control is the only thing that matters. I will talk more about this in the wisdom tip section, but just remember to ask yourself - "Is this under my control?"

Tips or Tools of the week: Wisdom, Health and Wealth

Each week I share either three tips or three tools that will help you become wiser, healthier, and wealthier.

Wisdom tip of the week: You will always own your mind

To expand on the quote of the week - no one can own your mind. What you let into your thoughts is solely under your jurisdiction. Sure, controlling this is really hard. Practicing mindfulness meditation is one way you can get better at controlling your emotions, which helps control your mind.

There is a LOT that could stress you out about the world right now. Is any of it under your direct control? Probably not! So take note of it as a problem, but then refocus on the problems of your life that you can do something about.

Then do something about those problems! Focus on what you can control. Own your own mind. If you can do these things you will always be free.

Health tips of the week: The Freedom of Movement

Your ability to get out of bed and walk down the hallway is a privilege that you probably take for granted. My fiance would do anything to be able to get up out of bed and walk on her own, but she can't.

She has less physical freedom than you do right now. Think about that the next time you don't feel like going to the gym, or the next time you choose shitty food over healthy food.

I go over these four basic health tips a lot:

  • Sleep 8 hours a night
  • Exercise and strengthen your body every day
  • Eat foods that give you energy and make you feel good
  • Meditate - it's weight training for your brain

These four basic ass health tips are what will maintain your ability to continue moving and have the freedom to go out and stand up for what you believe in for many, many years.

Don't take your body for granted.

Wealth tip of the week: Crypto is the future of financial security

I like crypto for many reasons, but the three biggest reasons I LOVE crypto are all about gaining more freedom and control over my money:

  • No government has any control over the Cryptocurrency protocols like Bitcoin and Ethereum
  • Crypto money has no borders. It can be sent anywhere in the world for pennies. You can also access it anywhere in the world.
  • The government can't freeze your crypto accounts, garnish your crypto wages, or take your crypto assets during a routine traffic stop.

Yeah - cops in the US can seize your cash and assets you have on your person if they feel like it.

Right now in the UK, the government is taking over and emptying dormant bank accounts to fuel their government crisis package totaling around 150 million pounds sterling (~$188 million). Around 30 British banks are voluntarily transferred dormant funds to the UK Government!!!

What if they accidentally take actual people's money? Oh whoopsie, you just need to ask them to give your money back.

Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum are being used around the world as a safe haven for currency. Now, unless you know what you are doing, crypto wallets can be risky too. They are risky because if you lose your ability to access them, no one can help you.

The price we pay to have someone else manage our money is that we have to trust someone else with the keys to the castle.

Finance and money has been an area of inequality since the beginning of human civilization. The strong could always dominate and steal from the weak. Cryptocurrency is changing that.

So this is my challenge to you:

Open a Coinbase account and buy your first $10, $20, or $100 of BTC or ETH.

Let me know once you do!

We will have more Crypto-knowledge sections in this newsletter going forward to help all the Wise Owls level up their crypto game.

Book Of The Month: May/June


April's book of the month.

May's book of the month - coming soon

In April we worked on wealth.

In May we worked on health.

Now we turn our focus to wisdom.

Introducing "The Obstacle Is The Way" by Ryan Holiday.

What better way to work on mental and psychological freedom than to read one of the best books I've ever read on dealing with the bullshit of life.

if you want to learn how to overcome life's bullshit, let stress wash away from you, and to become better because of the struggle, this book is for you.

The book is broken into three parts, so I will be covering each of those three parts over the rest of June.

Part 1 - Perception - June 10th

Part 2 - Action - June 17th

Part 3 - Will - June 24th

Read along with me!

Get "The Obstacle Is the Way" on Amazon

** The links above are affiliate links. If you purchase the books with the links above, I receive a super tiny commission, which helps support this newsletter. Thank you! **


Welcome to the new Resources section.

I will be adding to this section over time as we find resources that will help you all.

*** If you’re interested in my upcoming Crypto course for beginners you can pre-order it now. ***

* * *

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