🦉 WoW #42 - Slow Down & Catch Up🦉

Nov 11, 2020 7:04 pm

Happy Wednesday, Wise Owl Nation!

It's November 11th! I'm not sure why but this week feels more like November than last week, probably due to the US Presidential election not being this week. Anyway, where has the year gone!?

It feels like just a few weeks ago that the first whispers of Coronavirus were coming out and airlines were shutting down. That's the nature of life though, it will pass by quickly unless you are careful.

That is why this week is dedicated towards purposefully slowing things down and allowing your mind, body, and bank account to play catch up. Sometimes in life it is important to move fast, but those periods should always be followed by times in which we slow down and review.

This week I want you to slow down with me.

Let's get into it.

You can find all past issues (including this one) here.


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Quote of the week:


Wisdom Tip of The Week: Leave Room for New Thoughts

I moved the quote of the week to the top of the newsletter this week to help set the tone of what I am going to walk through here. There are so many benefits to taking a step back and assessing everything from a higher level. A level you can only get to if you purposefully slow things down.

Your mind will compensate to whatever situation you give it. But if you want stress to leave, anxiety to die, and ideas to be born again, you need to give your brain space to let the bad leak out and the good seep in.

If life is passing you by and you can't figure out why, it's because you aren't allowing yourself to slow things down and make a change.

Here are a few things I do to slow things down:

  • Go for a 30-minute walk
  • Meditate
  • Turn off my phone
  • Writing anything
  • Creating a to-do list with pen and paper only (forces me to think through my day far slower)


Health Tip of The Week: Meditation, More sleep, and slowing down while you eat

Slowing down seems to have the biggest impact on health across the board. Seriously.

Slow Down While You Eat:

If you slow down while you eat, you will enjoy your food more and actually eat less. This is due to your body having time to let your brain know that it's full.

Plus, when you slow down eating you might just find that you can enjoy the food a lot more. Try eating your favorite meal slowly. Focus on each bite. What flavors do you taste while you chew on your food?

It's a better way to eat. I promise.

Meditate When You're Stressed:

Meditation is so funny to recommend to people. Especially in person when you can see their face scrunch up as they think about how much they do not want to meditate. Which is kind of the point! If you did want to meditate you would. Then your life would slow down, and you wouldn't be as stressed in the first place!

It's simple, effective, and can be done in just a few short minutes. Every single person alive right now has time to stop and meditate.

The more time you sleep, the better your time awake:

Sleep is the number one determinant of health. Good sleep creates a good life, and yet, it is one of the hardest changes to convince people to make! Why? In my experience it usually comes down to a misconception of time.

Many of you think that the less you sleep, the more time you will have to experience life. This is literally wrong. The less sleep you get, the shorter your life will be.

If you want the most time on this earth to live your best life, you are required to get enough sleep. Every. Single. Night.

Slow down, enjoy life, and live longer.

Wealth Tip of The Week: Slow down on Spending, Investing, and whatever the new trend is

Have you ever heard of the Subreddit called Wall Street Bets? It's a hilarious place of financial chaos. Members showcase their massive investment wins and losses, many times to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars won or lost!

Sometimes I go read through this Subreddit when I want a reminder of how chaotic other people's lives are.

Look, as I have said numerous times in this newsletter, there is no such thing as "getting rich quick." It's a fantasy. Made up bullshit by people who want to get rich scamming you.

The key to getting Rich is to do the following consistently:

  • Reduce expenses
  • Increase income
  • Pay off debt (or avoid it altogether)
  • Invest

The keyword being consistently. It takes a long time to start from nothing and build life-changing wealth, but it is possible. It just takes patience, because it happens slowly.

So anytime you come across a "life-changing" investment/business opportunity, hit the brakes. Slow down. Never make a decision right away. Take time to research anything that gets you excited about the potential results but not the work required to get to the results.

After all, you can't get to the results without putting in the work and effort required to achieve the results. So slow down, think it through, and never forget that there is no such thing as "getting rich quickly."

Have a great week!

This concludes our issue this week, I hope it gave you some perspective or injected a little motivation into your life!

If it helped, let me know! I read every newsletter response I receive, and I absolutely love hearing from all of you. This newsletter is for you, so I need your help to make it as great as possible.

More Resources

I will be adding to this section over time as we find resources that will help you all.
