Wise Owl Wednesdays - Issue #16

May 13, 2020 4:33 pm

Happy Wednesday, Wise Owl Nation.

It's May 13th and welcome to issue 16 of Wise Owl Wednesdays!

Issue 16 means this newsletter is 4-months old today, which is pretty cool if you ask me.

Consistency and persistence are key-drivers to success, and this newsletter would be a lot less valuable if we didn't practice what we preach. Thank you for being a reader. You mean the world to me.

Alright, let's get into it! Per usual I mixed up the format a little to try and add more value.

This week your weekly tips in wisdom, health, and wealth are closer to the top of the newsletter.


You can find all past issues (including this one) here.

This weeks issue will cover the following:

  • The quote of the week
  • Weekly tips in wisdom, health, and wealth
  • Weekly Book-of-the-Month breakdown
  • Resources
  • Referral Program, Share the Wisdom!


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Quote of the week:


So many of you are SO HARD ON YOURSELVES!

Devon and Kendra I am looking at both of you!

My goodness, if you aren't making mistakes you aren't trying hard enough!

Greatness is built on mountains of mistakes.

Keep trying. Try HARD. Make mistakes, and learn from them!

Then keep trying. Try harder. Make MORE mistakes, and learn!

This is the process by which all successes are created.

If shit is getting hard and you are getting tired of trying, send me an email.

I'll remind you of this.

Tips or Tools of the week: Wisdom, Health and Wealth

Each week I share either three tips or three tools that will help you become wiser, healthier, and wealthier.

Wisdom tip of the week: Only a few opinions matter

Hey guess what.

You don't have to worry about the opinions of 99.999% of people.

Most of their opinions don't matter AT ALL.

You are your own person and you get to choose whose opinions matter to you.

Who has earned your respect enough to earn your respect of their opinions about you?

This club should be small.

The people you let influence you should be achieving something in life themselves.

I call this Conscious Caring, and is sort of part of Mark Manson's The Subtle Art of Not Giving A Fuck.

You basically care a LOT about what a few important people think, and care absolutely zero about what everyone else thinks.

It's liberating. You should try it.

Health tip of the week: Do minor exercise right before you eat

There is a secret way to force calories to help specific parts of your body.

I originally learned this in Tim Ferriss' "The 4-Hour Body," and it is brilliant.

Before you eat, do some squats.

The activation and usage of your legs will tell your body to send the calories you eat towards rebuilding that muscle.

You do not need to do a full workout either! Tim's book recommends like 40 air-squats or so, but this number is likely different for everyone.

Just do squats until it really sucks to keep going. I'd say a minimum of 10 if you're out of shape.

Other options:

  • Push-ups
  • Kettle Bell Swings
  • Sit ups
  • Lunges

Basically any muscle shocking exercise, done a little bit, to freak out your body before eating!

Try this before your meals. It works!

It's also kind of a mental hack to do some exercise :P.

Wealth tip of the week: Just spend less

Spending less is better than earning more.

The government taxes what you earn each year, not how much you have saved.

You save more by spending less, by creating a larger gap of opportunity.


Plus, the less you spend the harder it is to ever experience the "gap of sorrow."

Friends don't let friends overspend their way into the gap of sorrow.

Read the articles I wrote on

Book Of The Month for May: Why We Sleep


In April we focused on wealth, on spending consciously and investing automatically.

Read the full Book Report for April's book of the month.

This month we will focus on health, and the number one determinant for health is...sleep!

Why We Sleep is a powerfully researched book on everything that has to do with sleep. I have outlined the book below, as well as broke out which chapters we will be reviewing each week.

Sleep is the foundation of your health, and we strongly recommend reading along, and taking action to improve the quality of your sleep.

Links to get this book:

** The links above are affiliate links. If you purchase the books with the links above, I receive a super tiny commission, which helps support this newsletter. Thank you! **

Part 2:Why Should You Sleep? - May 13

  • Chapter 6: The Benefits of Sleep for the Brain
  • Chapter 7: Sleep Deprivation and the Brain
  • Chapter 8: Sleep Deprivation and the Body

Read Part II: Chapters 6-8


Welcome to the new Resources section.

I will be adding to this section over time as we find resources that will help you all.

*** If you’re interested in my upcoming Crypto course for beginners you can pre-order it now. ***

* * *

Share the Wisdom and earn rewards

I write this newsletter to help people learn how to improve their mind, body and bank account.

The more people that read it, the more people that can learn to help themselves.

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  • Refer 5 people - a 10% off coupon to the Wise Owl Store that does not expire
  • Refer 10 people - Access to the secret VIP once-a-month newsletter issue I am currently working on
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  • Refer 20 people - 50% off coupon to Crypto Capable - Beginner Course

Also, if you have ideas or thoughts in the following areas, please let me know!

  • Books I should review
  • Topics you would love to read about
  • YouTube videos you'd love to watch

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You can also read past issues here!
