Wise Owl Wednesdays - Issue #2

Feb 05, 2020 6:16 pm

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Good morning, good day, and good evening!

It's Wednesday and you've already made it halfway through the week.

So now it's time for your weekly dose of Wise Owl Wednesdays.

Each week I share the following:

  • My quote of the week
  • What I am currently reading
  • Tips to make you wise, healthy, and wealthy
  • Any new or relevant Wise Healthy Wealthy articles I think you might enjoy

Quote of the week


Every week I try to think about various quotes that stir something in me.

This weeks quote resonates with an article I wrote this week (linked below).

Intelligence does not correlate with wealth.

Consistent action over a long period of time correlates with wealth.

Before you can accomplish anything you have to accomplish the hardest task of all-- getting started.

Knowledge is only potential power.

Without action, the knowledge does nothing for you but sit there and make you obnoxious at parties.

Current Reads - The 12 Week Year by Brian P. Moran

Currently in my life I am obsessed with becoming more productive.

If I don't become more productive and create systems that make my life easier I will have zero chance of achieving my goals this year.

That's why this weeks book shout out goes to "The 12 Week Year" by Brian P. Moran.


Why this book is awesome:

First of all, I want to get a year's worth of work done in 12 weeks.

Yes please, forever and always.

This book was referenced a few times as a powerful tool for maximizing how much you can get done in a since quarter of a year. That is 3 months or, as the book title says, 12 weeks.

I've been transitioning my work spaces into a tool called Notion, which I will highlight in next week's article, and this book is inspiring, in part, how I structure my entire life in Notion.

This week's book, as well as last week's book Start Finishing have been ridiculously helpful in providing the road map and frameworks for restructuring the way I think and operate around productivity.

The consistency of Wise Owl Wednesdays will be due to how successfully I implement the 12 Week Year system.

Links to get this book:

** The links above are affiliate links. If you purchase the books with the links above I receive a super tiny commission, which helps support this newsletter. Thank you! **

Tips of the week: Wisdom, Health or Wealth

This is a section I want to include each week, but am not sure if I will.

Let me know if you like this section by replying to this email with your feedback.

Wisdom tip of the week: Let go of what you can't control

Last week's quote of the week was a stoic quote.

Stoic philosophy is a big part of my worldview, and letting go of what you can't control stands at the center of it.

In my experience a massive percentage of our daily stress or anxiety comes from things we have no direct control over. That stress and anxiety can cripple and keep us from truly owning what we can control.

Learning how to focus on just the parts of life you have control over can be blissfully empowering.

Start Finishing and The 12 Week Year are books that both offer strategies to really create clarity on what you want from life, and can give you an idea of the things you do control, and what you should focus on.

A couple things you can't control:

  • The stock market
  • The health and decisions of loved ones
  • If someone else wants to date you

What you can control

  • Your own personal financial situation
  • How often you show up, or don't, for friends and family
  • Your own self-improvement and personal development

Health tip of the week: Intermittent Fasting

You will never see me talk about diet advice or nutrition advice.

Like snowflakes, each of our bodies are really different, so talking about food or nutrition is a lost cause.

Fasting, however, is something completely different.

There is so much research across so many different areas of health that discuss the massive benefits of fasting.

Humans have known the benefits of fasting for many, many thousands of years.

It is even baked into many major religions.

One thing most Centennials (people who live to 100) have in common?

They do not overeat.

I am going to stop here, less I turn this section into its own article, but suffice to say, fasting is extremely healthy for your body.

Helpful tool - Simple

I've use a ton of fasting trackers and Simple is my favorite.

Wealth tip of the week: The Gap of Opportunity

The gap of opportunity (or GoO haha) is the positive difference between how much you make each month and how much you spend.

Earn $3,000/mo and spend $2800?

Your gap of opportunity is $200.

Earn $2,500/mo and spend $2000?

Your GoO is $500!

The larger you can make this gap of opportunity the more money you will have to pay off debt, save, and invest.

Wealth starts with creating a gap of opportunity.


You increase this gap by spending less and earning more.

Even if your income is less than you think it is, you can still have a larger Gap of Opportunity than people earning 10x what you do.

You can't control how much money others make, but you can control what your Gap of Opportunity looks like.

New Articles

Every week I publish new articles on Medium.

Not every article I write will pertain to wisdom, health, and wealth, but most will!

New or relevant articles I publish will be included here.

Help Me Help You!

What did you think about the newsletter?

If you have ideas or thoughts in the following areas, please let me know!

  • Books I should review
  • Topics you would love to read about
  • YouTube videos you'd love to watch

Let me know by replying to this email!

I read all of my emails.

You can also read past issues here!

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