Annnnnd....... Relax

Sep 23, 2023 12:37 am

Give me an inbreath!

Give me an outbreath!

Dear ,

I used to have a card on my fridge that said - Life is hard. It's all the time breathe, breathe, breathe. ( I was quitting smoking at the time so it seemed pretty appropriate)


Everybody talks about meditating these days. I've been leading meditations and guided visualizations for decades now and the most common comment I get is I can't get my mind to keep quiet.

Which usually means they think they can't meditate.

Guess what? Your mind is all about thinking and chatting away to yourself.

What if I told you that the goal of so many meditative practices is not to sit in

mental silence?

In fact, one of the "focuses" in my meditation practice is to notice when thoughts come up and "practice" not following the thoughts as they run off and away.

We are practicing (over and over) simply and gently keep returning attention to whatever we have chosen to focus on - breath, the sounds around us, a crystal.

For most meditators most of the time there's gonna be mental "noise."

The good news is that it doesn't need to be quiet in there in order to get the benefits.

I recently offered to lead a meditation group in my local area and was pleasantly surprised to see just how many people said they want to come.

So many of us in our little town lost so much (in the Holiday Farm fire 2020)

and are left with overwhelming feelings, worries, ptsd. I think it will do all of us a world of good to meditate here on our home ground.

Well, it encouraged me to offer an 8 week online training as well

so anyone could join in and learn to meditate or expand on

their practices if they have one.

And when you spend 8 weeks putting your attention on your state of being,

on choosing to stay awake and aware in the present moment without attaching

to what comes up or running off with the latest thought.........

Our stress response gets to stand down and we can relax.

We can begin to notice that we have thoughts and we are not our thoughts.

We discover we have a choice about where we put our attention.

You are building the "muscles" that help you control your emotions, quiet your hamster-wheel mind, and wind down from a jittery or exhausted (or both) energy state.

You start to feel better while you are meditating and even more importantly you start to feel better while you are not meditating.

I'm calling it

Learn to Meditate

From Stressed to Blessed

Meeting on zoom on Fridays 10am-11am

Beginning October 6.

Tuition is $197

All the sessions will be recorded.

I'll be sharing my no-fail meditation techniques divinely inspired

guided visualizations for healing, peace and happiness.

If you want support and encouragement in your meditation practice or

you always wanted to meditate but thought you couldn't, this group is

for you.

We'll meet live once a week on a zoom call.

You'll have a private fb group get support and accountability and maybe even a practice buddy in a warm and safe community.


I'm including a personal session with me at the beginning of the program to get to know you and see how I can best support you in the program. ($150 value)

If this sounds like something you want

you can get more information and register here

Learn More

Note * If the day/time doesn't suit you, still let me know if you are interested.

If there are enough folks who could make a different day and time I'll

open up a second section for you.

Meanwhile, keep breathing in and out. It's good for ya.

With love and a deep breath in and a deep breath out,



Ever wonder about how I got my name, Miché. I took it from a Tibetan word in a chanting practice for cultivating compassion. It means Big Sky Mind.

My very name is a little teaching or reminder about presence and how we are bigger than our thoughts and our emotions.

I made this little video to explain it a bit.

Thumbnail for videoWatch Video

Here's the link again to sign up to the 8 week Meditation Program
