I See You & I Raise You

Sep 16, 2023 12:21 am

I see you and I raise you! This is a tool for support and upliftment that I've used for years now to help shift myself and others out of the dumps, out of feeling stuck or being hard on ourselves.

That's all just temporary (clouds passing through the sky)

What I see - in you - is who you are beyond and above that.

I see myself. Except when I'm feeling stuck which is when I turn to someone who can see me - beyond stuck.

We all could use that. When you're someone who is already feeling different, maybe feeling out on the edge, maybe even weird - you doubly can use that!

My Magical Soul-Inspired Life Group is a monthly membership community based on that. The idea that we are more than we appear.

We are more than we even realize.

It's natural to get stuck seeing only a partial, limited, self-deprecating view of ourselves. It's not the truth though and the best way to get out of that is to surround yourself with others who've got the wider view of you.

In this group we are raising the vibe every week. Shedding limitations and inspiring each other.

You will learn how to raise yourself, spark more magic in your life. Connect with

like-hearted souls on the same path of waking up.

Are you working on being the best version of yourself?

Are you exploring what more is possible?

I invite you to join us as we begin our 2nd year as a powerful place to See ourselves, Raise Ourselves and be held in that by others in the group and by me - your Soul-Guide, Healer, Mentor.

We really never are alone. It just can often feel like it.

Here's a place whereyou can feel like you're welcome and appreciated and just fine as you are and it's just exciting to keep exploring and growing.

How does that sound?

In love and light,


Check out this very little video and click the SIGN UP button if you're ready to join us.

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If you'd like to talk about whether this is a good fit for you or not

book a call with me

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