My first paid speaking gig

Aug 09, 2023 3:31 am

Last winter I had my first speaking performance in a paid show.


Don't get too excited.

The tickets were $7. There were maybe 20 people in the (virtual/online) audience and I wasn't the one getting paid. lol

Still it really was a big deal for me especially because I challenged myself to sing "on stage" in public which I have done only once before in my life ( I think that's accurate).

The piece is called The Unreachable Star and as a young kid I'm relating to the knight in shining armor character, trying to be somebody to accomplish something I thought I was supposed to be. Has this ever happened to you?

Feeling like you need to be or are expected to be something you are not? Trying to be some way that is just not a fit?

Anyway...... It was a big deal to pull this off.

Besides the out-of-my comfort zone plan to sing, I had COVID,

my 86 yo mother was in the hospital and I couldn't be there with her.

At home we'd been so strapped for private space after recently moving mom in with us and having caregivers 24/7 in the house that I often held meetings in my car in the driveway- in January and I was just cobbling a space together to do my talk in.

So, there was a lot going on.

The night before the performance, after I'd already told my coach/director the night before that, I just couldn't make it and had to bow out.

I hadn't even written the script out let alone rehearsed or refined it...........

And then, after one of my 5 daily COVID naps, I had a sudden insight.

And that sparked the flow of what became this short performance piece:


The big epiphany the night before?


And that's why I do the work I do helping others find their deep self love and find inspiration and the courage to fan the divine spark that lives inside them and be.

My mission was to learn to love and honor that divine spark makes me, me.

Not to try to become someone or something else Self love and super powers coach.

To really appreciate who you are and work with that not against it.

And to discover who is possible for you to become, what is already inside you.

Thank you for being part of my world - or for letting me be a part of yours.

I wish you a beautiful day of being your SELF.

I hope you'll watch the video, it's only 9 minutes.

When I first shared it on fb, lots of people found it very inspiring.

Shine on,


P.S.I'm starting a new hybrid program - It's a mix of group support and individual mentoring. I've got 6 spots open to start.

Would you like some focused, practical and to the point help making your dreams come true?

Sign up for a 15 minute, no obligation chat with me. So we can see if we're a good fit.
