Are you average? I didn't think so

Dec 14, 2023 2:41 am


Most of the people who gravitate my way aren't Average or

Mainstream, or Run-of -the -Mill or particularly Typical folks either.

At least not in the talent, sensitivity, worldview, sense of purpose, desire to serve, higher consciousness, spiritually connected sort of ways.

Are you unique, individual, or you someone who really isn't middle of the road, same as the pack? Generalities often don't apply. Multiple choice questionnaires often don't have an option that fits?

Not your average consumer? Not your everyday sheeple?

Think outside the box? Push the envelope?

Or don't even abide by "envelopes" in the first place?

Reader alert - this is another long one. Read or skim or save for later. You don't have to decide now. There's a lot of interesting, though-provoking, inspiring stuff here. Or - you could decide we're not a match and unsubscribe. No hard feelings.All I ask is that you don't put this down as spam. Somewhere, sometime, we thought we had something together and that's how you wound up on my list.

(There are also links to my holiday deal, services, programs,etc at the very bottom of the email.)

Back to the regularly scheduled programming: Hey, here's a new thing. Some people like my voice and some people like to hear stuff rather than read. If that's you ........ go here: I read it for you.

(well, not really new, I guess that's what a vlog is)

Otherwise, carry on....

People like me (which may well also be people like you)

often find ourselves outside of the mold, unconventional,

the square (or uniquely shaped) peg that doesn't fit into the round hole.

You know, if the hole was larger - we would fit.

Just sayin'.

Instead you may have grown up thinking you were supposed to change,

get smaller, pull yourself into yourself in order to fit.

If the hole was intended to accommodate the "whole" of us - we would have been accounted for and, well that's the topic of a different piece than I'm on about right now.

Are you the sum of all your parts? or Are you Some of All That Is?

They are two very different views and call for very different approaches to running your business and to living day to day.

Here's what I've been pondering and experiencing lately in my business as a solo-preneur.

Or as I like to say,soul-preneur.

When marketers and salespeople say,

it's a numbers game - and they've been saying that for many many years -I don't doubt that there is truth there.

Somebody had to count, keep track, figure out the formula of the average results of how many people you need to contact to get your intended result.

Often they will say something like - you have to invite 100 people to your webinar in order to get 10.

(Although, back in the day, before the internet it was more about how many doors you had to knock on or how many resumes you had to submit in order to get a yes.)

What's the numbers game on inviting people to a wedding, I wonder? Anybody?

Have there been studies done?

If you want 50 do you have to invite 30 because it always grows of its own accord or 125 because there's always and no's and the drop offs?

Sorry, distracted sidetrack.

No, I'm not getting married. It was just an example.

These numbers were averages.

Then they got spread around, written up in articles or blogs, repeated, turned into adages, made into memes, all of which made them sound a lot like rules.

Except they are not; rules.

Repeated, expected, planned for - similar results gotten and

the cycle goes round and round. A self-fulfilling prophecy.

The observer affects the outcome. The "expector" calls in a result.

So, here's my point.

Don't buy into "rules" like that.

They are self-sustaining.

Keep looking for the same result and you will find it.

Don't discount the magic.

Remember there are always outliers to the norm,

times where the rules don't apply.

Why not choose what you want and see what happens?

Why not ask, declare, state your preferences and then

open the floor to synchronicity, Universal coordination

and a shopping spree from the Field of Infinite Possibilities?

I recently renewed my intention/vision to stop trying to chase after people to remind them, wave in front of them (feels like excessively) my offers and problem-solving wizardry and my intuitive clarity.

Within the week I had

**** One fellow in the UK, googled Spoonbending then chose my workshop from whatever variety of results google gave him, including no doubt Uri Geller the master spoonbender. I'm not the only one. He wrote to me and asked where to sign up but before I could even respond he found some old link - wasn't easy - and paid me for the next, not even scheduled yet, masterclass.

A few days later he asked where to go sign his wife up for the class. I got the email late at night, by the time I woke up the next morning - he had already paid for her to attend.

Thank you Universe, I've now scheduled the next Spoonbending Masterclass suitable time for folks in Europe.

Saturday Dec. 16 at 10am PT. And convenient for US and Australia - Wednesday 4pm PT

**The next day I posted on fb a short demo video of me spoonbending,

talking about "changing lives a teaspoon at a time" and someone I know a bit from being in a group together wrote to me asking how they can sign up to learn meditation.

My 8wk Meditation for Anyone Program "From Stressed to Blessed" is about to restart - so that was easy to mention.

Before I had a chance to really follow up and see how I could help her specifically, she'd left me a long and eloquent voice message

appreciating my style, approach to life, the skills I teach, told me about her work and her passions and ultimately proposed some collaboration and a desire to refer her executive clients and groups to me to teach them meditation.

We're going to meet and discuss all this next week. It's not only meditation that has built my resilience and colored my outlook on life; it's also a set of tools and practices for navigating and living life from a higher, more flexible perspective. We'll be talking about that too and how it fits into what I teach.

**And then, a friend I've been playing messenger tag with for almost a year sends me a message, asks when I'm free, I say "how about now."

And 20 minutes later she is reminding me that she wants me to be

a faculty member on her Awakening Awareness Online Academy

to teach and to offer SpoonBending training.

And then, I suggest perhaps a training program people can get certified in involving Self-Love and SuperPowers?.

When I mentioned to her that I'd told a mutual friend about having a holiday sale on my Cosmic Attunement she said, Why didn't you tell me?

It's not like they came completely out of nowhere - and it's not like I hadn't already been showing up and sharingand being visible.

But it's also not like I had to reach through my laptop and tap them sturdily on the shoulder to get their attention.

I want to be a light and a love shining so brightly that people stop to see what's going on and they can "feel it"and know if that's something they want to cultivate too.

2 questions.

1- Do you want some of that?

2 - if you are also someone with service and talent to offer - how would you like to reach your people or get found?

Don't be shy.

Don't buy into the prevalent, "this is how it works" imitation/competition scenario.I believe we get to choose. Even if it's a numbers game.

And then, I think the Universe was having a bit of fun with me.

I got a fb notification that Yo Yo Ma (famous cellist?) started following me.

Well, I had commented on a post of his a week before so it could be true

and I just laughed and felt so tickled.

Plus - I used to play the cello so it brought back a few stories and memories.

I don't think it was the REAL Yo Yo Ma because when I clicked on the link - there was his photo but the page only had 3 likes and 3 followers.

The real Yo Yo Ma page has about 1.3million.

Later that day I got another note saying that he had commented on a post of mine. And, well I don't think that was real either

but I sure felt like the Universe was just trying to make me laugh.

It worked!

Do you want me to reach out and tell you when I'm having a sale or a new class or something?I mean other than here in the newsletter?

I sent some folks a voicemail about my Cosmic Attunement sale - people I know personally, previous customers, I saw it as a chance to say hello, connect, offer a service, maybe make a sale, no pressure.

And yet,it felt like it could go either way.

Maybe they'll be glad and maybe they'll feel like I'm invading their space.

I did get, positive response, meh response, and no response. How would you respond? Your thoughts are welcome here.

Note: The numbers game theory would have me push on and keep reaching out with more of the same until I got enough positive responses. The magical life approach would have me clean up my vision of possible results I'd like, be on the lookout for divine inspiration and then proceed accordingly.

Now you know a bit of what's been rattling around in my head and my heart and in my soul-inspired business.

Thanks for coming along on this wandering path.

I appreciate you. And I am here for you.

I'm just not going to be all shouty about it.

Happy Holidays,

Look for the Magic. Look up and look within.

Your Healer, Mentor, Soul-Guide, Coach and Friend



If you're interested, here are the links to the events and services I mentioned.

Description/Info is on each page.

I trust your inner sense and your "vibe" detector (even if you're not familiar with them yet) to know if it's worth your time or in your best interest to look into any of these.

Cosmic Attunement 1/2 off through December - $195 reg. $295

Spoonbending Masterclass - 2 more this year - Dec. 16 Sat. 10am PT and Dec.20 Wed. 4pm PTGet your tickets here - good for either one. $33 (or pay what you can)

8 week Meditation Program (1st round just wrapping up and 2nd round starts soon day/time tbd) $199

Oh yeah, last one - Magical Soul-Inspired Life Circle - Subscription Membership meets 4xmo $45

and special 1/mo coaching add on $95
