You Bent a Spoon! Now What?

Oct 31, 2023 9:34 pm

Thank you all for such a wonderful SpoonBending Class!

We joked, shared our experiences, went deep and....everyone bent one or several spoons!!!

Here's Marcia's spoon that we wanted to see during the class.



To THIS in less than an hour


I think there were a lot of lightbulbs going off

for people around our assumptions, blocks, beliefs.

As well as the excitement and maybe even relief,

discovering how things can really be easy - and still be important, useful, "real".

I had a great conversation later in the afternoon with Lynn,

talking about how many layers there are potentially to delve into;

how deep we can go with the spoonbending as the jumping off point.

Self-reflection in a light and safe and uplifting environment,

Practice getting comfortable with letting go,

Making a habit of finding and choosing flow and ease in everyday life.

So, while our spoons are still warm, I want to present to you,

"The Spoonbenders Way."

Sign Up Now

I've led this program before. Now I'm revising it to make it shorter, more affordable and even more fun than the previous version.

4 weeks for $200.

We will continue to practice bending spoons as a path to seeing what is possible and revealing our limiting thoughts, beliefs, patterns.

And take our experiences and the discussion to a deeper level;

reinforcing shifting into life, The SpoonBenders way.


  • making it a habit to choose ease,
  • question what is possible,
  • play with new tools that will support you in finding magic in your days and
  • generally relate to life around you from a Spoonbender's perspective,
  • an energetic exchange and interactive relationship with your world.

Many people over the years have taken my SpoonBending Workshops 2, 3,4 or more times.

They are always unique and can bring new insights.

Diving into The Spoonbender's Way

will guarantee new insights,

new skills and

new understandings.

We will be going deeper and wider.

With a solid group over the 4 weeks I can help you see what you may not be able to notice yourself and help you shift, release, growth on new levels.

I will be teaching other skills, tools, "tricks" to achieve more ease, new abilities and create more magic in your life.

There is so much power in a group.

We "see" each other, learn from each other and when one person clears something and heals or expands, the whole group is uplifted and healed.



You can probably tell by now I love working and playing in this way.

That's because it is a light-hearted, joyful, powerful, accessible and non-threatening way to get our survival instinct to step aside

for a bit and really let you go and explore personally, spiritually, metaphysically.

If this sounds like a great playground to be part of, I would love to have you be part of this!

You can register here right now

Sign Up Now

or reply to this email if you've got questions.

I'm thinking 3pm Wednesday -

but do let me know if you are interested but

would need a different day/time.

Wisdom & Woo hoo!!!

I am stoked and chuffed to get this underway!

Magically and Soulfully and Playfully inviting and cheering you on,


