One Word Can Move Mountains

Sep 12, 2023 1:20 am

Hi ,

Happy Monday to you. Why begrudge any day of the week? I'm excited to see what this week brings. And what I bring to this week. What about you?

I wanted to share how changing one word created a radical shift within me.

(link below to a video just 5 minutes long)

What if changing your wording can powerfully

change your energy,

change your perspective,

change your outlook?

Listen in and I will explain just how that happened for me (in only 5 minutes).

Some of you may be wondering.... Why do I share this stuff? Why do I write and speak so openly and honestly about what others are sure should stay closed? Well partly it is healing for me. I don't need to do it publicly of course.

So really, I talk about this stuff because it helps others to see someone who has gone beyond surviving into thriving.

Because it will give some people hope, it will give some people insight into how to thrive for themselves. I did the video linked above as a fb live a little while back talking about caring for my mother and how shifting from saying "I had to" to " I get to" as far as caretaking really changed how I was able to be with mom.

I got a call a few weeks later from a friend who had just lost her mom. She told me that she watched that video. She had been caretaking her mom for some time. She said that what I shared allowed her to have a really different relationship with her mom in those last weeks. That's why I share the kind of things I share - and always with some insights or truth or tool or wisdom attached.

Write me back or comment on the video page, what did you think of this word/perspective shift.


Miche Meizner

Grateful that I got to give surround mom with soo much positive energy and love to send her on to the next journey.

