I had so much fun making this!

Sep 25, 2023 8:50 pm

Dear ,

I trust that regardless of what else is going on, you are still

breathing in and breathing out.

Speaking of breathing in and out, my 8 week meditation program starts next week. If you have been thinking on it and wondering if it would have some

positive impact in your life - take 5 (oops 6) minutes and watch this little video.

I made this weekend.

I had a lot of fun with this video about the "real" reason I encourage people to meditate.

Only 6 minutes long and you will at the least get a laugh out of it.

Thumbnail for videoWatch Video

I'd say it was very well received on fb and I got some great comments:


Always love getting many hearts.


Yes, I am quite serious about helping folks get over thinking they aren't able to

meditate and helping folks go further with their meditation.



Well, yes I do want to uplift the planet.

What I don't mention in the video as good reasons to meditate - great reasons,

actually, are

  • Quieting your inner chatter enough to hear what you really think and feel.
  • Becoming present more of the time in order to notice the signs and synchronicities the universe is always sending your way.
  • To come to know that you are the Awareness, knower behind the mind, behind the thoughts and feelings and comings and goings.

You are something much greater, something operates at the frequency of LOVE.

  • The big LOVE.

So, another reason why teaching people meditation and leading guided visualizations is a mainstay in my coaching is that it's a powerful way to introduce you to your SELF.

Do you practice meditation? Or have you in the past?

Do you think it's just impossible for your busy mind to sit still?

If you are a meditator - music or no music?

Is there something you feel you could use some help with from me?

Pop me a reply, I would really like to know.

with LOVE,


PS - everything is connected. Learning to meditate helped me be kinder to myself which lead to me liking and loving myself more which lead to me being

protective of myself more rather than judgement or even destructive,

which meant I "had my back", which made it easier, safer to take risks, especially in terms of other people, being visible and public with my thoughts, teaching, channeling etc. which allowed me to let my funny side out and be real and raw and honest while reaching out to others.

Just sayin' whatever you do that lifts you, helps you heal is going to lift you everywhere.

It didn't really do anything for me around being long-winded but that's another story (thankfully)
