Have we bent spoons together?

Jun 26, 2023 8:24 pm


Today I'll be brief, no really.

I just want to share a couple of things today.

July 4th I'll be a guest on Lisa Manzo's fb live podcast.....Tuesday 11am PST

on her fb page here: https://www.facebook.com/lisa.manzo.lm

I just met Lisa for the first time last Monday. She followed some of the links in the last newsletter and booked a "no-pressure-at-all" get to know each other call. And so we did. And I'm glad to know another woman out there working to shift and uplift the world.

Want to meet up with me? 15 minute Zoom session with a little energy work thrown in. Because, why not?


This is for new folks and old connections alike.

I have started teaching classes on the Learn it Live platforms. It's one of the great benefits of my membership in The Wellness Universe.

I've been a member of WU for several years and still have not plumbed the depths of what is happening there - plus it has grown so much since then.

There are many opportunities to learn, grow, teach and connect with others

It's a great place for practitioners and lightworkers to share their knowledge and get exposure and a great place to find healers and teachers to learn from and work with.

(If you want to check that out and look around here's my referral link: )

They're having a membership drive and offering great intro price deals find out all about it in an intro meeting tomorrow Tuesday June 27, 11am PST (I'll be there if I'm not double booked)

The Wellness Universe



Two new workshop times/dates to choose from.

Registration now. (links below and at the end of the email.)

Please share this with friends, colleagues and spread the fun

and the enlightening experience.

July 12, 9am Pacific Time and July 13, 5pm Pacific Time

I just had a metaphysical dad sign his 15 and 10 year old daughters up for the last workshop and they had a great time ~ and bent spoons!

This workshop will give you a tangible experience by bending a spoon of how much your mind and state of being forms and effects everything from your outlook on life to everyday mundane reality.


This workshop is designed to give you a personalized view into working with energy, moods, mind and self-talk in order to become more empowered, peaceful and productive and magical.

  • Build confidence.
  • Learn to work with and move energy.
  • See how you have been creating struggle and how to manifest ease instead.
  • Learn to focus on ease instead of struggle
  • Set aside your inner critic and let curiosity lead the way.
  • Practice tapping into your inner knowing, listening within.

Sign up for either session here:

Morning July 12

Evening July 13

and then......

Find a spoon (thrift stores are great) - or better yet find 3 that are steel and strong enough that you cannot bend them using just your strength. Something thick enough to resist being bent by you but not so thick that it's more like a steel bar.


Whether you bend spoon or not during this workshop your awareness of what is possible will be expanded and you'll have an understanding of how to align with energy and invite a greater level of ease into everything you do.

What comes after spoonbending?

Have you ever wondered that? Have you already been to a workshop and wanted more? Or even if you haven't been but are you yearning to go

deeper and more practical in your journey of higher consciousness -this is for you too.

I'm finalizing a 8 week program

"Putting It Into Practice,"

support and coaching for making your changes stick.

Have you ever noticed how a lot of online courses, tutorials and manuals (ugh) are all about how to do it the right way?

But pretty much no help at all when things (or you) go sideways?

It's like that when you're working on your own transformation - personal/spiritual.

As you are becoming a new version of you.

How do you adjust, recalibrate, or sometimes, clean up what went amiss?

How do you go deeper, see the wins ( we're so failure sensitive but often miss what's going right), or celebrate your new insights, stay the course when it feels rocky?

That's what this program is about.

Practical Application in real time to help you as you practice and

expand and embody, live into the new you.

My friend and fellow teacher, Veronica Torres refers to that aspect as

"Monk in the Marketplace."

It's all well and good to be feeling all magical, wise and expansive.

Be all spacious and transformed sitting on your meditation cushion,

cocooned in a retreat or in a class where everyone is on the same page.

What about the day to day?

How do you apply feeling sacred, holy, or spiritual while doing the dishes?

Or sitting in traffic, or being around your button-pushing family?

How do you bring the new version of you into "the marketplace?"

I'll tell you more about the days/times next time.

It will be a limited sized group. I'll be opening a meeting

space in July to begin before the official start date (tbd)

So do let me know if you're interested and get on the waiting list.

Send me an email Or

Set up that 15min zoom with me. (link above)

I hope random beauty and wonder is catching your eye and lifting your heart.



P.S. Here are the direct links to the Everything is Energy app

for your iphone iOS tinyurl.com/EisEmac

or for your android tinyurl.com/EisEandroid

P.P.S - How did I do? Not really brief but Brief-ish? Maybe?


Morning session: https://wellnessuniverse.learnitlive.com/Class/SpoonBending-or-How-to-Look-Differently-at-Life-Morning-Session/23062

Evening session

