Links to Embrace Your Inner Grown UP

Sep 05, 2023 10:30 pm

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Here are the video and audio links again for easy access.

🎥 Embracing your inner grown up


Click here for audio

In this guided process,

we’ll bring your inner child, teenager and young adult selves into harmony with your present grownup self for healing and strength.

One of the keys to sustaining change in our lives when we do this kind of work is to look for what is different in the next days or weeks. Rather than keep checking in to see what is still the same. Here’s to your shift. May it serve you well and may you incorporated new possibilities into your life with ease and grace.

Let me know how it goes for you.

You can just hit reply and share or ask questions if you'd like.

Here's a little more about the process

“The One Command.®” is the base I used to create this transformational visualization.

I trained as a practitioner of The One Command back in 2009 with Asara Lovejoy, who created the process.

She characterizes it best: "The One Command is a process that instantly adjusts your energy field and your frequencies to attain the higher states of love, joy, satisfaction, accomplishment, health, and financial good. The 6-Step process guides you from ordinary conflicted thinking into the unified deeper quantum brain functions automatically.”

I also wanted to give some reference about the DNA changes that occur in this process. If you're not familiar with Bruce Lipton and his research into epigenetics and how state of mind and emotions influence our DNA, check out his book The Biology of Belief or look him up on YOUTUBE.

It's really incredible how much influence we have on our DNA and how our DNA actually communicates and reacts to the DNA of others.

This isn't science fiction.

Here's a good video from Bruce Liption

And... just because I think it's so amazing. Here's an animated video

of what DNA wrapping looks like (3min long)


Miche Meizner

Find more of my meditations and guided processes follow me on Insight Timer, a free app available for iOS and Android - also can be used on your computer.

