I've been meaning -to meditate

Oct 24, 2023 3:18 am

Hello ,

Who here has had a good practice and great outcomes from regular meditation but have dropped off their practice for no apparent reason.

Did your focus fizzle? Did life get in the way?

You've had a practice that was meaningful, useful and somewhere along the way it got put on a back burner; so far back it doesn't see the light of day.

You're in good company It's so easy to put off things that

benefit us. Even when they actually feel good; unlike green smoothies and

exercise. (oops, my bias is showing)


Last week was the first meeting of my 8 wk meditation group, From Stressed to Blessed.

I was expecting it would be a bunch of new meditators.

Who arrived instead it was a group of women, not new to meditation

(not so new to life either - I think we probably all had white hair)

who all have some or a lot of experience. Some had particular practices they do or used to do, or even teach.

When I asked these women what they needed or wanted from the program, almost all of them responded that they wanted to get back to meditating.

That at one time they'd had a steady practice and it had fallen away.

So for now at least, that's the main focus. To provide some support, accountability and coaching to get beyond the obstacles or blocks that keep so many of us from doing even the simple activities

that have already proven to nourish us, restore balance and help us grow.

I've got room for a few more folks in this group.

If you are ready to get back to your practice, or maybe develop a new one.

If you know it will help you to have someone who can light the way, even if I'm lighting the way back to your own way.

You know the importance and power of community.

Getting to be seen and heard by each other.

Coming together around something so common among us and

get to see each other thrive.

A rising vibe lifts all folks. As one person lifts up and releases whatever is in the way it frees and heals something for everyone in the group.

Besides the focus on finding or returning to your practice,

I will be mixing in some different techniques and focuses for meditating and

some of my favorite transformational tools - simple things to shift that can give a big result in quality of life.

Does this sound like you?

Do you want to step into the circle and sit with us?

Write me back and we'll get started.




Soul-Guide, Mentor, Coach, Inspirational Speaker.

PS - The Soulful Speaker Summit I was just part of that I mentioned last time?

My talk was voted in as one of the top 13 and many of my friends and followers said it was my best talk yet! 14 minutes long you can watch it here

Thumbnail for videoWatch Video

Image credits

origami birds By MiniStocker through YayImages
