Special Invitation Reply This Week

Nov 09, 2023 3:36 am

Hi ,

I hope you're still feeling the buzz and uplift from bending a spoon with me recently.

I've had enough people tell me they wanted to come but couldn't make that day/time work that I've scheduled another for next week.

Most of my spoonbenders get pretty excited when they first learn to do

this and many spoons get bent.


And occasionally when there's none left

in the drawer, family members get bent.

Think thrift stores. Stock up.

Anyway my offer is exclusively for you as an attendee of the October class.

I would like to invite you to join this one for fr•e

Tuesday, November 14th

4pm PT/7pm ET

You don't have to register again but please hit reply and let me know that you would

like to attend and I'll be sure to

send you the link.

Every time I bend a spoon - and that's been wayyy many,

it bends differently, I am different. I often notice something new

in how I approach it, what I am thinking, etc.

And always within each group there are insights and laughter and just plain good feeling.

If you have friends, family, coworkers you think would enjoy the FUN and the proFUNdity, please tell them about this workshop and send them this registration link.


I would be so grateful for the referral and I'd love for you

to come if you are able.


