Something missing? I've got you.

Sep 14, 2023 9:48 pm

Dear Magical Soul,

The more folks I talk to the more I hear about loneliness, a sense of separation, not having someone to tell the hard and the wonderful things to.

In this instance, I'm specifically talking about in relation to our path, our growth, navigating challenges from a spiritual and conscious level we strive to operate from.

Is there something you feel is missing?

Or some support and community you want more of?

I think some sense of loneliness or alone-ness, is inevitable even in partnership, even with family/friends around.

For those of us adventurous souls who yearn to know what more

we can be and explore what more is possible, finding our

kindred spirits can be doubly hard.

Do you ever wish you had someone to talk to about the weird (cool) synchronicities that happen in your life?

Or wish you knew how to tell if that message in your head is really intuition and guidance or just wishful thinking?

Do you ever feel like you're just looking at things differently than most people? Like you're not quite in sync with most people's values and goals and "human nature".

A lot of us have been feeling lately or lifelong that we're here for a purpose.

We've also felt a longing all our lives to go "back home".

Can you relate?

I'm not sure where "back home" is exactly.

But I'm sure there's a lot of love and tenderness, compassion and unity there.

Well in any case, here I am and I know at some point before I arrived I actually chose this place, this time.

I have felt for the last several years that this is the time to step into the more of who we are. Time to wake up in our lives to the fact that we are divine beings living a human experience.We are part of the All That Is.

As Rumi says, We are not a drop in the ocean. We are the Ocean in a drop.

I have a space where we can take all this, lay it out, look at it and delve deeper. Whether that's how to handle being an empath and all those emotions,

how to connect more with our guides and energetic teachers,

how to stay open how to stay on the journey without getting stuck in discouragement.

For the last year I've been holding a sacred place to feel at home

with like-minded, like-hearted souls to see and recognize each other.

To be able to receive support and explore what next? Where to?

To learn and practice new ways of discerning energy,

Get good at shifting state of mind and growing into new perspectives.

Getting beyond "gettin it" to really feeling it and living it viscerally

How to navigate as a wizard in a world of muggles?

Or maybe just as someone trying to wake up and live up to your divine nature in a world that mostly isn't even thinking about that.Which kind of sounds like a wizard to me.


The Magical Soul-Inspired Life Circle

is a monthly membership group.

We meet 1x week online

and create a safe and uplifting space each time for all of this and more.

Includes energy work/ healing,

Includes insight & discussion,

Space for innovative think tank and

Manifesting "I See You & I Raise You"

For the rest of September y

ou can join for the

Founding Price $45/mo

after that the price will be $55/mo

And if you join in September I'm including

Add on special Each month you will receive

a 1x/mo a 1 hr private session with me for only $95/mo

(reg. $150 and that is additional to the $45/mo)

This last year of running the group has indeed been magical.

Group members have been popping up with insights,

learning new energy sensing and sending skills,

receiving weekly meditation and energy upgrades.

And having deeply meaningful and personal discussions

in this safe private space.

You can join right now.

Our next meeting is Thursday September 21

at 4pm Pacific.

Subscribe to monthly payments. With a 14 day free trial.

Monthly $45

Add on 1x private session for only $95

(You can choose this on the checkout page)

Click Here!

The subscription will be ongoing until you cancel.

Quit any time by canceling subscription prior to the next due date. No partial refunds

Still have questions? Set up a time to discuss it with

I would love to have you join us!

"Here for a reason" and ready to support YOU,



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