Right there in front of 34k people

Oct 30, 2023 5:28 am


I want to share something honest and vulnerable with you.

I was having a forgetful moment and thought it was Saturday this afternoon. And #aboutme is the Saturday sharing prompt in this group I'm in with

34k members; women and non-binary folks.

Along with my foray into acting classes that I shared about in the last newsletter, I've been extra committed to stretching out of my comfort zone,

sharing my wisdom & my woo, more visibly

So I just went for it.... and out flowed this piece #about me.

that I want to share with you.

Before I do I just want to remind you that my very fun & inspirational

SpoonBending Masterclass is Monday Oct. 30 at noon. There is still

time to register. I'd love to have you so here's the link

bit.ly/webendspoons and you can choose whatever amount to pay

that works for you

Back to my post. I've been getting so many comments appreciating

what I shared, the joy that comes through and some tractor driving envy.

I hope you'll let me know how it lands for you. Just hit reply.


I was a tomboy as an infant I think.

Later figured out the lesbian thing, and then the butch thing

and now I feel like I'm just me somewhere in the soup of

different ways we can be.

I often get taken for a guy and it doesn't bother me.

Most of the time I don't correct anyone because most people feel flustered

and upset at having made that assumption.

Occasionally someone calls me ma'am or lady and I will respond in jest,

"That's Mr. Lady to you."

I recently figured out that I don't especially relate to being a male or a female. Thank you younger generation for making non-binary a thing.

A couple of weeks ago a friend needed help on her horse property. She needed to find a woman to teach and help her clear the yard. My hand shot up so fast and I'm so happy and tickled to have spent a couple of days getting in the flow with the machine.


I've always loved working with tools and machines. I trained as an auto mechanic many years ago doing brake jobs and have rebuilt a couple of engines. I've been a custom jeweler for more than 40 years - doing all of it, my own casting equipment, setting stones, etc.

When I was about 11 or 12 I remember begging my uncle to let me mow his yard. Tools, machines, tomboy.

Lately I've started baking a bit, banana bread and muffins to round out the activities.

That's me and happy as a clam learning how to scoop and dump compost with a tractor. In my flannel shirt, homage to the old days during the

flannel shirt and workboots phase that so prevalent in lesbian culture in the 70s

Thanks for listening.😊

And thanks to you for letting me share a bit of my world with you.

I invite you to share anything with me that you feel inspired to.

And hey ------- come and bend some spoons with me.

I feel it's going to be epic.


The joy that people pointed to oozing out of my post and my tractor photo?

It's equal to the joy I feel showing people how to bend a spoon and

open doorways of understanding and possibility.

Wishing you a beautiful week full of

laughter and love,


Soul-Guide, Mentor, Spoonbender
