sorry if duplicate - Welcome to Spoonbending Class

Oct 28, 2023 9:47 pm

I've been wrestling with an automated email for this. Don't know if it's working

Did you already get a welcome email from me?


Thank you for signing up to learn to bend spoons.

This is awesome!!

I'm excited we get to share this time together in the upcoming

SpoonBending Masterclass.

This is one of my favorite things to teach because it is always fun and can

become an important tool for you in realizing there is so much more that

is possible than what we think (and have been lead to believe)

Here's what you need to know.

Get some spoons.

Choose responsibly, don't take spoons that you might not have paermission to bend. I've had people bring a spoon that was their grandmother's favorite.

Guess what? It wouldn't bend! As soon as she switched to a different spoon,

shazam, she bent it.


How many? 3 spoons is great, or forks. 1 is essential.

When you choose your spoons test them out and see if you can bend them just trying with your hands. If it bends easily look for some that are a little tougher.

Thrift Stores are a great and inexpensive source.


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 862 1806 0535

Passcode: 1234

Here is the zoom link for Monday Oct. 30 at 12pm PT/ 3pm ET

I'll send out a reminder on Monday morning with the zoom link as well.

If you have any trouble on the day of, the best way to reach me is on fb messenger.

In Fun & Transformation,

