Hello there, it's been a while, not much, how bout you?

Jun 19, 2023 1:11 am


Miché here from the SpoonBenders Cafe

There's been a lot going on and well, I just stopped writing to you about it

Annnnnnd now I'm back and you're either thinking, Hey how are you?

~Very well, thank you! More later~

OR you're thinking

How did you get in here? (in my inbox)

Well, at some point in the not too recent past we connected, you took my

SpoonBending workshops, joined a free meditation, signed up to some summit or giveaway or something like that


In the briefest, light-touch

overview of what's been the major themes for me in the last 3 years .

Although not nearly as brief as I'd first thought what with these being major life events that were neither brief nor shallow. It's practically a whole E-book!

Skim if you like.........

September 2020

Almost 3 yrs ago in a raging wildfire Lynn and I lost our house, everything we owned, all my jewelry studio equipment and goods.

imageTop is what was left of the old house. Bottom is new house next to the only thing left from the fire - metal carport.

Drove cross country, 2 cars, 3 adults (Me,Lynn & son Austin), 3 dogs and a cat to Kentucky to live with Lynn's son and family and recover a bit

One of our dear dogs (Trouble the black dog in the middle) passed away shortly after.


Moved back to Oregon 9 mos later, rented a house near our home/property. Got a new puppy ( Boon)


My mother's health went quickly downhill and I tried to help her in Florida image

but Lynn was diagnosed with breast cancer so I came back home - and glad we

had a fun-filled love filled puppy to help us stay up beat.

BTW - she kicked cancer's butt to the curb and is officially cancer free.

While Lynn was finishing up treatments we were moving into our new/old home 2 yrs after the fire.

Moved my mom in with us (epic, challenging trip from Florida) a couple of months later, we hadn't really even upacked ourselves yet.

Adjustments for all of us were very challenging; fueled by lots of love all around. Lost another of our older dog tribe (Noodle) image

Lynn and I both got Covid. I got it twice.

Mom passed away 4 months later at home,image surrounded by love and family. Me, Lynn, brothers Avery, Adam and his two sons and numerous caregiver angels.

Adopted a young dog, Sunshine Balanchine Keeper (more on that another time)


Shortly after mom passed we lost Bea the 3rd dog of the elders pack.


Lynn started painting again

and hanging her work around the house.



I started teaching workshops again and planning new courses. Sweet!image

We just adopted a rescue dog to round out the new pack of 3image - Murphy Cumulo-Nimbus Brown (yes, there's another story there)

You could say - understatement - that's a lot of hard!

a lot of loss! a lot of grief!

All true.

And woven throughout all of that; really inseparable I guess has been so much love, amazing connections, serendipity, collaborations and unimaginable goodness and more love and laughter and healing.

Here are just a few.

One of the 4 or 5 objects that miraculously survived the fire - (imagine the weight and power of building in flames falling/crumbling on top of its own contents) - a crystal singing bowl about 18" diameter that was a gift from a family member - unscathed. When we shared that on fb live with Lynn playing it a few weeks after the fire - a woman I barely knew told me she felt drawn/guided to offer me the 3 crystal bowls she had but no longer used, as a gift.

Before we left town for Kentucky we gifted the beautiful woman, Amy, initially a stranger image

who took 2 adults, 3 dogs and a cat into her home for shelter and showered us with love and support - the bowl that survived and kept the 3 that were gifted to us.

And strangers donated clothes and things and art supplies.

When we got to Kentucky I was offered a slot on a radio network by a woman who said, you don't know me, but...to which I replied I do know who you are - I bought a spoonbending kit from you ( like 10 years ago) which is how today I am a spoonbending teacher. I hosted the Not Too Late Show for about a year (will be starting up again this year). Friends had raised funds for us which I used to pay for my show and was gifted a match by Nicole Whitney the owner of News for the Soul.


I had a vision where my mother and I co-created a performance - I was singing a song I'd recently used in a performance piece (whole other story on that)while mom performed a modern dance piece on a grand stage. She was a professional ballet dancer in her youth. I didn't know which of us was choreographing her steps, I knew each move so intimately as I sang. I only wanted to share the story with mom. It was so magnificent and so meaningful, singing The Impossible Dream. When I got home I found that my mom lost consciousness earlier that day (at home in hospice program).I guess I had already shared it with her in our flight of co-creation. She never really regained consciousness before she passed.

A few months after our house burned down someone started a generous effort of building small storage sheds for many of us who had lost our homes and other buildings. This was such a gift. About a month later a tree fell dead center on the shed and crushed it, the only structure remaining on the property. Ok - not so good.Was was amazing is this guy heard about that through the fb grapevine and came and built us another one. A few months after that Lynn and I were at a garage sale a few miles from our home and were chatting with the host - to find out this was the fellow who had gifted us the sheds. So we got to thank him in person and celebrate.

These are just a very few moments, highlights.

There have been so many I've lost count.

And it doesn't mean that the hard wasn't hard and the scary wasn't scary etc. But life is never just one way.


We may say - I'm having a hard day but if you look a little closer most likely it's not just one thick, solid, hard. There are moments, glimpses of love or curiosity or relief, or laughter or blessing.

I feel the feelings as they rise and subside and I keep an eye out for the gifts and the magic and the precious, even bittersweet pangs that tell me that I'm alive and life is good.

That's it in one very big nutshell. I thought I'd bring you up to speed just a bit.

I heartily invite you to share any stories, tidbits with me if you'd like just reply to this email.

Looking forward, SpoonBender-wise.

I'm about to launch a couple of programs that support my clients, fellow spiritual seekers, lightworkers, etc in continuing to grow and expand,

to get support and encouragement, even accountability

(if you're into that sort of thing)

as well as some simple teaching for would-be meditators who never feel like they're doing it right,

and some informal Remote Viewing training/practice for fun and exploration.

I'm putting together some good $ deal package for those of you who would like

to work with me one 2 one for Cosmic Attunement work or ClearPath Session


So, stay tuned to this station if you like what I'm playing.

If you'd like to see what I'm up to in various places,

I've made this page so I could put all the links here


****Oh yeah that pages also links to my favorite accomplishment of this year - creating this free app Everything Is Energy


that's full of my meditations, visualizations, talks, etc and so much teaching and wisdom and magic from my friends Linda Lang, Alchemical Energy Wizard and Veronica Torres, channeler extraordinaire of Eloheim and the Council.

Do check it out and let me know what you think!

Phew, whirlwind. As if I'd just been busting to get this out and tell you.

I'll be back in a bit with details about the new programs and maybe a story or two of divine timing and soul-inspired living.

Much love - I'm here (really) if you'd like to chat.


Soul Guide and Wise Old Owl

Oops I almost forgot the cat - Sasha

