Do you need a Clicker Training Buddy system?

When you have your horses at home, you have paradise! The biggest challenge (training wise) seem to actually go out there and do some fun clicker training stuff with your horse, right? Horses at Home: Paradise? So many chores to … Continue reading →

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Aug 27, 2024
When I was about to give up….

The hardest part of clicker training your own horse is when you hit a low in training… Nothing seems to work, your horse gets frustrated, you get frustrated… You feel stuck! It happens to everyone! And … when you’re in … Continue reading →

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Aug 17, 2024
Motivate your Horse to Move: Exercising your Horse with R+

When you want to exercise your horse, it’s all about motivation… When your horse is not motivated, internally or externally, he won’t move. In other words: when movement has no function (benefit) he won’t spent energy on it. Internal Motivation … Con...

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Aug 15, 2024
Clicker Training Horses: Key Lesson Mat Training

When you start clicker training after a long break, it’s a good ide to give your horse a ‘refresher’ session in which the criterion is really low. You might even have to start at step 1 in your shaping plan … Continue reading →

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Aug 11, 2024
5 Tips to Teach Your Horse a Reliable Recall

Learning to come when called, recall, is not often a behaviour that is taught to horses. It's often a basic requirement in dog training and forgotten in horse training. After all, most of the time we want to have horses 'under control' and they are o...

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Jul 12, 2024
You're invited to join HippoLogic's Q&A Zoom

Greetings ,Getting an overweight horse in shape is hard! In my previous Masterclass I taught how to create a tailored Training Plan that works. It has a step-by-step process, and I know that when you follow all the steps, there still wil be questions...

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Jun 18, 2024
Join me in a FREE clicker coaching call on Monday

Greetings !Is your slow horse more a Whoa-horse than a really, fun, forward going Go-horse?Or,Does your horse hates exercising but it's time for him to lose weight, because you worry about his health?Then join me in a series of FREE COACHING CALLS!Fr...

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May 24, 2024