JFokus 2025

Feb 07, 2025 9:04 pm

Hi ,

The theme of this years JFokus was on AI. How will it affect the way we work and how can we leverage it to create new types of products for our customers.

The conference kicked of with a playback of the song HelloWorld.java by Nanowar of Steel. https://youtu.be/yup8gIXxWDU.

Both the guitarist and the bass-player are working as developers. Edoardo Carlesi, the bass-player was at the conference, both for the opening act and as a speaker.

Both keynotes was about how AI is changing our way of working and are highly recommended to watch when they are released on YouTube.

The rate of change is mind-blowing, things that looked impossible a few months ago is now possible.

We need three things to make the most out of using AI, a good model, a good application connected to the model and skills to use it.

It's now possible to build AI agents with frameworks like Langchain4j and Quarkus without being an expert data scientist.

We can use tools like Cursor, https://www.cursor.com/, to help us develop applications more effectively.

It's clear that AI has and will affect everybody and especially us developers. We need to learn how to use it for our work and also how we can build new solutions for our customers.

Java is now 30 years and the next version, 24, is about to be released. The best thing about Java is the community and going to a conference is a chance to meed and engage with members of that community.

Remember we all have something to teach and everybody have something to learn. It's incredible how much you can learn from talking to people in the hallways.


