How my life and business changed for better.

Nov 23, 2022 9:40 am

Many years ago, as a student of the human mind, and neuroscience, I would wonder what really has the power to change our life for good, and how deep transformation happens, which most coaches like me usually offer!

This was one of the questions, that led to me studying the mind and what lies deep within our brain(limbic system) that results in transforming lives.

As an expert in this field, a lot of it I would credit, not just one, but a few of my personal coaches, who taught me and also influenced me in many ways, including transforming my (Mind) and Life for the better :)

In the beginning, just three years into my business, I felt I was not making any good progress, both my life and business changed when I hired a set of coaches for myself, the coaches were not just world-class but extremely expensive ones, and the money involved a large part of my savings, at that time it was one of the most difficult decisions of my life, but I took the risk.

Today, my phenomenal growth, both in my life and business, was not possible without my coaches. I feel extremely grateful to Almighty for the timely decision, and assistance in arriving at this position.

So, If you find yourself struggling in some area of your life, do not hesitate to seek help through coaching, and don't worry, you don't have to exhaust your savings in doing so, at least not when you may hire me as your Coach :)

and if you are still skeptical, about how coaching can help, here's an interesting case study you can learn a lot from, it's from a real-life coaching assignment.

Click Here to read

This case study also has a video included, which explains the case more in detail.

Let me know , any questions you may have after reading and watching it

Warm Regards,

Mehnaz Amjad , Coach.
