Why you need one

Feb 15, 2021 3:02 pm

Many years ago, during a very successful project and a pleasant job experience, I got an interview call from a Leading Internet firm, one of the top in the industry.

The only caveat was, it was a contract based job, rest of the role, perks and work were par exceeding my expectations.

I refused the offer .

Why ?

My quick reason : It was a contract role

What I lacked : I never had a Coach, Mentor seeking assistance in my decision.


Later on when I was out of the job, regardless of my need, skills ,experience including International experience ,I could never find a similar role ,with so many benefits and experience.

It was a clear case of Opportunity wasted.

Most of our decisions are usually based on our past experiences, strongly etched in our mind , that we fail to see other dimensions to it. Having a Coach can always bring you the advantage of a neutral perspective with a deliberated decision.

Good for your present and also future.

Have a great week ahead

Warm Regards,

Mehnaz Amjad
