A question
Jul 13, 2023 10:00 am
Today, I have a simple question for you before you begin, find yourself a comfortable position, grab a pen and a notebook, and if you prefer to type a notepad on your computer
Take 3 deep breaths and answer it.
Do not bother about grammar, or spelling whether you are writing or typing.
Just stay focused on One Thing --- what comes up for you, when you silently repeat this question to yourself.
What's the hardest thing you've lived through?
{write it in as much detail as possible}
Later on, read your answers and celebrate your resilience, if possible treat yourself to what you like best, it could be anything from patting your back to a generous treat of your favorite flavored ice cream or dessert.
More power to you,
With deepest gratitude
PS: Have you seen the latest G&A academy page? there are tons of resources and courses available for FREE to download and share, explore them here