Nick Pope - UFO Disclosure

Nick Pope is perhaps one of the foremost authorities on UFO phenomena worldwide. In this episode Jock and Nick get to chat about the serious implications of the military, our world and our government attitudes on UFO's. It is clear to Nick that the U...

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Nov 04, 2021
Professor Paranormal

Loyd Auerbach is known as 'Professor paranormal' and listening to this episode, you can hear why. Loyd does not suffer fools and is an absolute consummate professional. We talk about skeptics, investigations and what is real and what is not. Ad Br...

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Oct 09, 2021
ParaForcement With Dr. Eliot Van Dusen

Dr. Eliot Van Dusen is a parapsychologist and ex - law enforcement officer. He is also the founder of PPRI in Canada. In this episode we talk about his paranormal experiences within law enforcement and his work in the Paranormal field. This episode i...

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Sep 28, 2021
Psi Wars

Psi Wars is a book that needs to be read! Listen to Jock and Craig as they discuss the role and issues between Skeptics and Psi Researchers. This is a not to be missed episode if you are interested in Psychic Abilities, the afterlife or other paranor...

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Sep 11, 2021
Demonic Foes

Jock Interviews Dr. Richard Gallagher about his work within the realms of Demonic possession. Dr Gallagher is the author of Demonic Foes that chronicles his work over the years as a psychiatrist who has assisted in countless numbers of alleged demon...

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Sep 02, 2021
How Spirits Attach To You

In this episode, Jock answers a reader question on how spirits can attach to you. This is an overview of how easy spirit attachment can happen..

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Aug 23, 2021
Why You Need Spiritual Protection

Why do you need to protect yourself when you are developing spiritually. In this episode Jock talks about the need for psychic protection. If you are interested in applying for the 6 month in depth spiritual protection program. Fill in the form he...

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Jul 17, 2021
How To Become Aware Of Your Spirit Guides Name

Everyone who is on a path to psychic development and spiritual growth has a desire to learn who their spirit guides are. In this episode Evidential Medium Jock Brocas discusses how you should approach this matter.

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Jun 29, 2021
Hanover Haunting Part 1

Deanna and Tom Simpson did not know what they were in for when they purchased the cute house in Hanover. Dee had to have it and Tom, well, he was not inspired at all. Dee was warned, but she ignored those warnings as if a dark sinister force was call...

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Apr 29, 2021
Getting Rid Of Spirits Is Not Hollywood

Time and Time again we see many paranormal teams and investigators as well as psychics and mediums claim to remove spirits and to watch the ritual is like a Hollywood movie. However, here's the low down on what it really takes. Paranormal Daily Ne...

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Apr 22, 2021