Tantalising tales of Saturnian debauchery, rituals and ceremonies, and the boisterous birth of many holiday traditions still enjoyed today.
Native American, Mayan, Aztec and many other indigenous cultures tell us of the legendary 13 crystal skulls that are believed to be scattered throughout the world and possess important information for humankind. It is prophesied that when the 13 skul...
In the 1970s, BBC1 aired chilling Christmas ghost stories. Discover the cursed Three Crowns of England's East Anglia in this captivating article.
Dowsing emerges as a captivating connection, bridging the gap between the visible and the invisible within a realm teeming with hidden energies and uncharted potentials. This ancient practice, shrouded in mystery and enriched by tradition, finds a vi...
Ever After sells the possibility that Cinderella was a completely true fairy tale and reminds growing girls that they don’t need a prince to save them.
Fancy a bite? Discover the tantalizing Transylvanian cuisine for All Hallow's Eve. From potato bread to stuffed cabbage, these specialty dishes will leave you craving for more. And if you're feeling adventurous, why not attend a real-life Halloween P...
Whatever you do, don't drink from the ghost’s tankard at the Marsden Grotto bar. A curse is said to befall anyone who dares.
Little is known about psychometry, but it could perhaps be a missing element to human potential.
Lots of college stories oddly have children as a focal point.
England's 'boring' Bedfordshire is revealed to be a historical and current hotbed of Satanic and supernatural activity. From pagan history to witch trials, the county is shrouded in eerie tales and mysterious occurrences. Discover the dark side of Be...