Want to meet 28 Stepfamily Experts in one place?

Dear Friend,Struggling to find the right tools for your stepfamily situation? You’re not alone. Stepfamilies face unique challenges, and therefore, require unique solutions tailored exactly for their specific need. I firmly believe, "you can't give a...

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Sep 05, 2024
Do You Find Solace in Shared Stories?

Dear Friend,As I sit at this outdoor café in Minnesota, editing an article for the November issue of Stepmom Magazine, I can't help but be drawn into the tapestry of life unfolding around me. The air is filled with the quiet murmurs of midlife women,...

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Sep 03, 2024
Open for the roadmap to STOP ruminating!

Are you... Tired of feeling stuck in negative thought patterns? Exhausted from ruminating on things you can't change? Caught in a cycle of frustration and helplessness? Believing the lie that life will never get better unless someone or something cha...

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Aug 15, 2024
What is YOUR Biggest Struggle Right NOW?

Dear Friend,The world seems to be getting crazier by the minute. Don't worry, I might be referring to the debate but I'm not going to talk politics with you. Seriously, there is no debate that stressful things seem to be all around and if there isn't...

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Jul 03, 2024