Do You Answer YES to these 3 Questions?

Sep 24, 2024 6:10 pm

Dear Friend,

Are you feeling overwhelmed by your spouse’s emotional floods, constantly walking on eggshells, unsure if you’ll say the “wrong” thing again?

If you’re tired of being caught in emotional storms that aren’t yours to own, it is time to take a step back and reclaim your peace.

Ask yourself:

  • Are you always the one soothing things over when emotions run high in your relationship?
  • Do you feel like you’re carrying the weight of your spouse’s emotional outbursts?
  • Are you ready to stop owning someone else’s feelings and finally find peace for yourself?

If you answered YES to even one question, it's time to learn how to build the ARK and stop drowning in your spouse's emotional floods. Let me share a story that might sound familiar…

Meet Sarah, a seasoned stepmom who had grown tired of tiptoeing around her husband. Every time she brought up concerns about his kids, the conversation quickly turned into him deflecting the issue back onto her. Sarah would then spend the rest of the conversation explaining or defending herself, desperately trying to avoid his anger. In the end, they never actually solved the issue, and instead, both left the conversation more stressed and frustrated with each other.

Sarah was stuck in a draining cycle – afraid to voice her feelings and overwhelmed by the constant emotional storms. She thought it was her job to manage his reactions, but all it did was leave her emotionally exhausted.

Then Sarah found ARK Mentoring.

Through ARK, Sarah learned to recognize what was really happening: her husband was emotionally flooding, and it wasn’t her responsibility to fix it, explain it away, or defend herself.

She realized that no amount of explaining would change the outcome if he wasn’t ready to listen. By setting clear boundaries, she could finally step back from those intense conversations without feeling like she had to carry his emotional load.

With ARK Mentoring, Sarah found a new way to navigate these tough conversations without losing herself in the process.

What could ARK Mentoring do for you?

  • Reclaim your peace by learning how to stop absorbing emotional floods that aren’t yours.
  • Set healthy boundaries that don’t leave you feeling guilty or disconnected.
  • Gain confidence in knowing when to step back, without feeling like you’re abandoning anyone.
  • Learn strategies to navigate emotional conversations without losing yourself in the process.

If you’re ready to break the cycle and reclaim your peace, ARK Mentoring is here to help. Unlike traditional coaching, where the focus is on giving advice, I walk beside you as a mentor – helping you apply personalized solutions that work in the real world.

Ready to stop owning someone else’s emotional floods? Join ARK Mentoring today and start your journey to peace,

We start a new group October 1 and you can grab your seat here: ARK Mentoring

Any questions or concerns, please reach out. This is a great way to start working with me too if you've ever been curious. The price will never be this low again and if you sign up this month, I'll honor the price if you choose to sign up again.


Heather Hetchler

Your Reframing Coach & Mentor

Curious about coaching, lets set up a call!
