Are you tired of conversations getting turned on you?

Mar 25, 2024 5:12 pm

Are you tired of navigating emotionally charged conversations with your spouse or children/stepchildren?

Do you find yourself walking on eggshells when bringing up important topics, only to be met with resistance or hostility? Does the other person get off the topic and turn it on you?

YOU are NOT alone!

In moments of tension and conflict, it's common to feel overwhelmed and unsure of how to proceed. The fear of sparking a blow-up or facing resistance can make communication feel like an uphill battle. You may just "give in" to stop the pain you feel or "go hard" trying to get your point across. Neither are effective because when someone is emotionally charged, they are unable to "hear" you.

Hang on. There is hope for you!

By incorporating a simple yet powerful phrase like "I hear you" into your responses, you can defuse tension and create a space for empathy and understanding to flourish. This small shift in communication can lead YOU to more productive and harmonious conversations.

Imagine the transformation that could occur if you approached difficult conversations with confidence and grace, knowing that you have the tools to navigate them effectively. By prioritizing empathy and active listening, you can transform conflict into connection and build stronger relationships with your loved ones.

You can approach the conversation with the same prepared and pure heart that you do now AND with the added tool of how to respond if the other person emotionally explodes. Remember their explosion is about them and NOT you. If you find yourself defending yourself when that happens, giving in or yelling back - this simple phrase WILL change how YOU experience the conversation.

Next time you find yourself in a challenging conversation, try implementing the "I hear you" approach. Take a moment to pause, acknowledge the other person's perspective, and commit to finding common ground together.

Remember, it's okay to take a step back and revisit the conversation later if emotions are running high. By prioritizing understanding and compassion, you can create a more peaceful and supportive environment for communication.

Try this simple yet highly effective technique and let me know how it goes. Simply respond to this email. I'd love to hear from you.

Would you like help learning how to do this? I'm here or you. Let's hop on a FREE call:


Heather Hetchler, MA

Reframing Expert I Stepmom Coach

Want to jump into more help? Here are just a few of the ways I can help you:

Grab this MUST HAVE micro course - How to Sit With Your Feelings:

Grab 10 Habits of Emotionally Healthy Stepmoms: this online course is your go-to for identifying and developing healthy habits
