One Lie that is HURTING your Marriage AND How to Fix It!

Jun 29, 2024 12:15 pm

Dear Friend,

I hear it all the time and see it all around me...

"WE don't have time to pour into our marriage..."


In the time it takes you to send a text, click the heart emoji, and hit send, you've just poured into your spouse.


It's about the little things. It's about thinking of your spouse and letting them know that simple fact. It can be as simple as sending a ❤️ emoji in the middle of the day.

And here's part two: if you're on the receiving end of these love gestures, be intentional about recognizing, acknowledging, and appreciating them.

If you need help finding ways to build and strengthen your relationship, I'm here for you as your relational builder. Let's make those little moments count and create a stronger, more loving connection.

STOP reading. Take 10 seconds to show some love. Thank your man when he shows you.

Want more help in this area? Let's jump on a call. I'm here to listen to your heart, provide clarity on what the real struggle is and create a personalized road map for you.

Warm regards,

Heather Hetchler, MA
