How Long Do You Wait for Someone To Change?

Feb 28, 2024 11:55 am

Dear Stepmom Sister,

I hope this email finds you well and thriving in the midst of life's challenges. Today, I wanted to share a powerful insight we explored in our small group last night, centered around the question, "how long do we wait for someone we love to make a healthy change and what do we do in the waiting?"

Life has a way of throwing curveballs our way, and it's not always easy to navigate the complexities of relationships or challenging circumstances. However, the ability to reframe, to see things from a different perspective, can be a game-changer. It opens up new possibilities for understanding, compassion, and personal growth.

During our small group discussion, we delved into the idea that sometimes, it's okay to stay in the waiting room of a challenging situation. One of our members shared this waiting room concept that was shared with her when she was waiting on someone she cared about to make healthy changes. The visual and concept resonated....

Imagine sitting with God as you would with someone you deeply care about, patiently allowing the process of change to unfold in its own time. The waiting room becomes a space of reflection, trust, and faith that transformation is happening, even if it may not be immediately evident.

Let me share a heartfelt story I wrote that is a compilation of so many women I've worked with who chose to sit in the waiting room that beautifully illustrates this concept:

Meet Sandy, a devoted mom and stepmom whose heart is entwined with the journey of her adult stepchild. Amidst the trials and tribulations, Sandy finds solace and strength in her unwavering trust in God.

Her stepchild's choices often pierce her heart, leaving wounds that ache with every broken promise of change. Sandy's love for him runs deep, yet she knows that enabling him would only prolong the cycle of disappointment.

With a heavy heart, Sandy sets a boundary, choosing to no longer shield her stepchild from the consequences of his actions. It's a tough decision, one fraught with fear and uncertainty, but she clings to her faith in God's guiding hand.

As her stepson stumbles and falls, grappling with the weight of his own decisions, he eventually reaches out to his parents and stepparents, expressing a genuine desire for change.

Sandy, though weary from past letdowns, feels a gentle nudge from God urging her to stay the course. She understands that transformation is rarely swift or linear; it's a journey marked by setbacks and struggles, but also by moments of redemption and growth.

Through fervent prayer and unwavering faith, Sandy learns to discern the signs of genuine progress in her stepson's journey. She discovers that true change isn't measured by the absence of mistakes, but by the willingness to acknowledge them, take accountability, and strive for better.

In the midst of her stepson's ongoing struggles and her own imperfections, Sandy finds refuge in the waiting room of God's grace. Surrounded by supportive friends who lift her spirits and affirm her faith, she chooses to anchor herself in the promises of God, rather than fixating on outward signs of progress.

The essence of the story resonates deeply, emphasizing that sometimes, the most profound changes occur when we surrender control and patiently allow the process to unfold.

We choose to sit with God and be filled with His peace and promise and let go of trying to make the other person change. We set a boundary around what we will and won't allow.

It is true, people reveal their true character in their words and actions and we are wise to believe them. We are also discerning to share our peace, work to come to center and sit with God if the other person chooses to make healthy changes.

As we navigate our own journeys, let's embrace the power of reframing, finding strength in the waiting room, and trusting that positive change is on the horizon.

Thank you for being part of our community and for your commitment to personal and collective growth. If you have any thoughts or stories to share, please feel free to respond to this email. I'd love to hear your thoughts about sitting in the waiting room with God and setting boundaries for change.

Wishing you peace, strength, and a heart full of hope. Stay tuned for some great new resources coming your way mid-March.



Ways I can help you today:

Schedule a FREE 20 minute clarity call:

Grab this MUST HAVE micro course - How to Sit With Your Feelings:

Grab 10 Habits of Emotionally Healthy Stepmoms: this online course is your go-to for identifying and developing healthy habits
